
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tape mani in black and green, shiny and matte

Here I have a tape manicure which the always inspiring nailside inspired me to do. In her posts she says that it's easy but takes some practice to get it sharp and correct+ a bunch of other useful tips and tricks. I'm sure I need lots and lots of more practice to get it right. This is my first try of tape mani nail art. As a base I had a light shimmer green OPI that I bought from ebay, however it's wrong labeled so I don't know the name of it. If any one know, please tell.

Over my nails I used ordinary stationary tape and cut it thinner to fit my nails and put the tape stripes randomly. I thought it would look fun with a matte top coat so I put that on as well.

However as you can see some of my nails got so messed up that I was forced to remake them. For those nails I just painted the whole nail black and after that matte top coat. After it had completely dried I used new tape stripes and had shiny top coat on to make a cool combination of matte top coat and shiny top coat. Feels like I have much to learn about this before I can get it right. That ordinary stationary tape was a total mess and the directions I'd read to remove the tape right away didn't work for me. I think my problems can be that my nails are very curved and ordinary stationary tape doesn't stick to well to that. I have now bought masking tape and hope that will work better for me the next time I try it on.

OPI (unknown light green shimmer)
Gabrini Elegant (black creme)
HM matte nail polish


  1. Nästan lite skalbaggekänsla över det! :-) Ha en skön helg!

    1. Ja, du har ju rätt och jag gillar skalbaggar så jag tar det som en bra grej. haha :) Ja, detsamma! :)

  2. Det här var skitsnyggt, jäkligt effektfullt...

    1. Tack, vad kul att det gillas. :) Var så nära att bara ta bort allt utan bilder när några naglar blev jättedåliga. Men skam den som ger sig.

  3. Jättesnyggt :D älskar effekten och färgerna :)
    Du har en härlig blogg förresten :)

    1. Tack! va kul att du gillar både naglar och blogg :D Värmer i hjärtat :D

  4. Hur snyggt som helst! Jag är extra förtjust i blandningen mellan det matt- och blanksvarta.

    1. Ja, den var kul att testa. :) Det enda tråkiga med den kombinationen är ju att den inte är så himla hållbar (mer än någon dag eller två) eftersom det bekanta inträffar; det matta blir blankare och det blanka blir mattare och vips har man "bara" svarta naglar. ;)

  5. Spännande! Jag gillar de helsvarta naglarna mest.


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