
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Yellow and black geometrical shapes nail art

Here I have a manicure which is some what weird. A yellow creme base and random geometrical black creme polish shapes freehanded. Apparently not the shiniest manicure ever.. Not a favorite nail art either, however it is attention craving and just after I was done my boyfriend asked why I hadn't made them as a crash test dummy. I couldn't answer why but I think that it would have been a better idea than this.

Another thing is that they are free-handed, so the geometrical shapes doesn't look as sharp as I wanted them to be.
Paris memories (yellow)
Gabrini Elegant (black)


  1. Jag associerar till den där gula och svarta bilen i Transformers ^^ (den heter nått men jag är inget fan så jag vet inte vad)

    1. Jag kan tänka mig det (inte för jag sett transformers) men då jag hade manikyren så höll jag på med någon mc/bil-relaterad uppgift skolan och jag blev väl inspirerad :)


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