
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Classical french manicure with yellow rhinestones

At my blog I almost always tend to show nail art every day, despite that, I participate in Lelack's Nail Art Sunday. And from now on my Sundays will be funnier since we will have nail art sundays with predetermined themes. The theme of this Sunday is "Fransk Manikyr" or French Manicure in English.

This is my contribution:
A french manicure is always white, if it isn't white, it's a funky french so for this manicure I was strict and went with white tips and to spice it up I used yellow crystal rhinestones. I placed a 3MM rhinestone in the middle of all nails and used 1MM rhinestones filling up the rest of the tip line, almost making a small necklace out of it.

Honestly yellow rhinestones aren't my favorite, and I think this is the first time ever (!) I've used them. I got them since I always order like 10 colors of rhinestones and then I get yellow ones as well even though I don't want them. But I don't mind since it's cheaper that way.

This was as I already have said a bit unusual for me, very classical and no extreme colors.

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - White
W7 - Pink Opal (with blue pearl shimmer)
3MM rhinestones in yellow
1MM rhinestones in yellow


  1. Det ser verkligen ut som ett halsband:)

  2. SÅ SNYGGT!!!! :)
    Alltså jag fattar int varför du inte har mer subscribers än 5 stycken.. du har ju en helt underbar blogg :)

    1. Åh tack snälla du, det värmer i hjärtat! :D
      haha, jag tror det är fler än fem som följer men det var ganska nyligen jag satte upp den där googlegrejen så det ökar väl lite i taget. :) Är ju alltid kul med folk som följer och kommenterar och uppskattar det man gör. :D

  3. I like how you dressed up the elegant manicure by embellishing it with the yellow rhinestones. :)


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