
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Red flower pedicure

They don't appear often but sometime they do; my toes and their nail art. Sadly no clean up but I hope we can live with that and instead look at the nail art.

On all nails I've made stripes and I've accented the big toes with flowers and also added moon and star shaped rhinestones in the middle of the flower.
I like how this came out, especially the black lines outlining everything and I also don't mind left and right being different.

I actually don't remember what brand the blue base is but I'll give you the rest.
Polishes used:
L.A. Colors Art Deco - Black
Sure Promise (white, red, orange)
Color club Art Club - Titania Gold (the stripes)


  1. OMG va söta!
    Att du orkar pilla så med tårna!! ;)
    Jag orkar inte ens måla tårna alls...
    Har fullt sjå att orka med fingrarna! ;)

    1. Tack! Ja, ibland kanske jag har för mycket tid och tålamod och redan fingrarna målade och då blir det lätt nästa tomma yta ;)


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