
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Green and silver zebra nails with flower rhinestones

Today I'll show you a sloping funky french with zebra pattern. I was almost sure that I'd posted this one already and searched my blog, however it was this one I remembered. Almost the same..kinda ;)

I think I've said it before but I really like the color of China Glaze- Gussied up green, and I can't help my self from using it in several nail arts, so this is one, and I've got more in my archive. So let us look at the nail art

 As you can see I've also placed pink flower rhinestones on the top of the sloping funky french.

 Below you can see my rhinestone wheel with flowers. I think that they are 3MM wide but only as "high" as a 1MM rhinestone and could therefor be a good alternative to you out there who like rhinestones but think that the 3MM's are too large and that they stick up too much.
Polishes used:

China Glaze - Gussied Up Green
L.A. Colors Art Deco - Silver
L.A. Colors Art Deco - Green Glitter
Pink Flower rhinestones


  1. Du har så många bra idéer och snygga designer! Fint!

  2. Replies
    1. Tack! zebror kan man inte få för många av. ;)

  3. Replies
    1. Tack, kul du gillar den. Jag är ju också sådär löjligt förtjust i färgerna. ;P

  4. Skitläckert!!
    Nederdelen påminner om det jag visar idag ;)
    Vi måste sluta tänka så lika varje söndag ;)

    1. Tack! haha, fast dina var mycket roligare och färggladare! Mina är mer höstiga och "dystra"(?)

  5. Jättesnyggt!

    Med vänlig hälsning

    1. Tack! Alltid kul att höra när det man gjort uppskattas! :D

  6. I like how your zebra print came out! really impressive


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