
Thursday, November 8, 2012

No h8

Bullying can never be justified and therefor I joining this campaign. My fellow bloggers have all written fabulous text about this and I agree with them. I'm also glad that we in the nail blogging community have a friendly spirit amongst everyone and I hope that will continue and spread because to day there are so many forms of bullying, especially now with the internet. And in some ways it's almost worse now than before, now it's so simple to write a text, or even anonymous write something hurtful to someone over the internet. Never considering how the person in the other end will feel.

Here's my purple contribution:

The purple polish is one from Paris Memories and the silver lines creating the net pattern is made with L.A. Colors Art Deco - Silver.
Hope you like it! :)


  1. Gelic, what a wonderful mani! I've certainly been lucky to find very supportive fellow bloggers that encourage me, and you are one of them! But there are so many people being hurt, it's outrageous!

    1. Oh, thank you, you are too kind! :) And I can only say the same. Before I started blogging I didn't know have many nice people there were out here. That fact only makes it funnier blogging! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Tack! Mörkt lila med silver har ju svårt att gå fel känns det som ibland! :)

  3. Ett viktigt inlägg med bra budskap, och snygg mani oxå. :)

    1. Ja, verkligen viktigt budskap! Mobbning är så fel! Och tack för att du gillade manin också :)


I love when you comment my posts even if it's just a simple hello. To simplify I will answer the comments in the post you wrote them in. I'll answer all comments so please check back if you want. :) Have a nice day!
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