
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas tree nail art

 Good morning everybody! Hope you have had an awesome Christmas, cuz' I certainty had! I haven't got the time to post something during Christmas, nor read or comment on your blogs. But when I got time I'll get in to that. Now me and my lovely boyfriend are at my parents house and will be so for a couple of days.

The nail art then.. Here I have a needle dragging Christmas tree with a rhinestone on top. I really liked it and hasn't seen this actual design anywhere before. I like replicating when someone made something awesome but it's fun creating something oneself as well.

 I also tried metal beads as the Christmas decoration.

Hope you liked it, I sure did! Even though this wasn't my actual Christmas nail art. :)

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - Pastel Blue
Kleancolor - White
Kleancolor - Metal Green
Yellow 1MM rhinestones and red metal beads.


  1. Very pretty!
    I've never seen this design before either!
    How did you do it to get the tree shape?

    1. Thank you! :D I basically dotted the green nail polish on top, like a tree and then just mixed it with the needle. I don't know if that make any sense but maybe I can make a tutorial as soon as I got time and get home to my place! :D

  2. Åh detta var jättefint! gillar verkligen granarna. En tutorial vore inte dumt :) Nog för att julen är över men till nästa åt :D

    1. Tack så mycket Gabriella! :D Ja, ska pilla fram en tutorial när jag kommer hem till fler nagellack!
      Julen är slut, men som du säger så finns det ju fler år! Har också lite idéer på om inte samma teknik går att använda till fler nail art's utan att bli julig utan kanske grafiskt roligt. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Tack! :D Började fundera på denna redan vid slutet på sommaren eller nått men blev i december som det var mest passande att testa så klart! :D
      Ska se om det inte går att testa fler varianter av denna också.

  4. Absolutely adore these Christmas Tree nails. I might even try them myself sometime over Christmas. Thanks for sharing your tutorial with us.


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