
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cute black swans for Australia

Now for a premiere here in the Gelic' nail art blog, I will do my first challenge! The lovely Shortylegs from Shortylegsbeauty is doing this challenge and she motivated me to start doing it as well. :)

 I can "warn" you that I wont have the time to do a country nail art every day so I'll post them every once in awhile. As you can see from the list, Australia is the first country out. I thought for a while and searched the web and amongst many things I actually got inspired from their coat of arms. Inside the shield one of the pictures where a yellow background with a picture of a black swan.

 Here in Sweden the swans are white so I figured that it would be cool to make a black swan nail art to it.
 I think they came out quite cute with their blue pearl rhinestones eyes.
 I actually dabbed two yellow colors on the nail to make it more interesting but that didn't show so much in the photos.

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - Neon Yellow
Kleancolor - Pastel Yellow
Kleancolor - Black
Jordana Pop Art - Black
Sure Promise (orange)
L.A. Colors Art Deco - Silver
1MM blue pearl rhinestone

This is actually not my first bird nail art, I have a white Swan in love nail art art and a pink Cute Flamingo bird nail art. Check them out if you like. :)

So what do you think about this? Any Australian readers out there? :D


  1. Jag är SÅ glad att jag övertalade dig att vara med i denna challenge... fy sjutton så söta svanar :D

    1. Ja, det kommer bli jättekul, tur du övertalade mig! :D Och kul att du gillade min första del i den! :)
      kram påre!

  2. Replies
    1. Tack! Om ändå svarta svanar fanns i sverige också! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Tack! :) Kände mig påhittig när jag kom på detta. ;)

  4. Aww I love it!! Never thought on swans before, I'm very curious with the white version :)**


    1. Thank you! Just check the white one out then, it's just to click the link above that says, swans in love nail art. :D

  5. Very prety and sharp! It's so great you're doing a challenge by country! kind of sad there's no Argentina in there ;) lol

    1. Thank you Natalia! Yea, I like the idea too. Yes, I don't know how the person who made this thought when choosing countries, maybe I'll ad additional countries if I got time and ideas! ;D

  6. De här har jag tänkt att kommentera länge, de är sååååå fina!!!
    Å vilken rolig idé!! Svanar är inte direkt det första jag tänker på när jag tänker på Australien ;) Mer krokodiler och koalor ;)
    Rolig utmaning med länder! Ska bli kul att se vad du hittar på till de andra länderna! T.ex till nr 8 ;)

    1. Tack! :D Du har nog rätt egentligen, det första jag tänker på är nog inte heller svanar, utan kängrus och sånt. Fast ville göra något som var mer "unikt", kändes roligare då! :)
      Ja, fast klurigt kommer det bli! :D


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