
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ice and snow needle dragging nail art

Hi, I did this nail art earlier in December. I went for nail art look being a bit icy and cold and winter like, maybe even Christmas like thinking of the red rhinestones. On top of everything is my flake polish Snow-Flake from Color Club. So here it is Little Miss Nail Polish, finally I managed to publish it as well. But more to come I guess. ;)

I really like the flake glitter effect even though I think it looks so much better IRL because I had a hard time capturing the flake glitter. In some light's it appeared blueish and in others, more bronze/pink.

I'm really getting found of needle-dragging. It's a very fast nail art per ce, the polish is one (thick) coat, then lurk around with the needle and when content; Seche Vite to make it dry in minutes.

I really think that the rhinestones became the cherry on top on this nail art making me like it more. I wasn't sure first on which rhinestone color I should pick but then decided for the contrast red. I'm pretty sure I'll make the same rhinestone pattern some more times! :D

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - White
Kleancolor - Pastel Blue
1MM red rhinestones


  1. Oj jestas så vackert :D
    Kan inte du göra en tutorial där du visar hur du gjorde denna manikyr? :)


    1. Tack! :) Ja, absolut, så fort jag kommer hem från mina föräldrar och hem till mina lack så kan jag fixa! :) Gör däremot troligtvis i en annan färgkombo för att det ska synas tydligare men blir ju ändå samma sak. :)

  2. Ja, strassen gjorde det lite juligt faktiskt. Jag gillade det på dig. Fint!

    1. Tack! :) Var lite rädd att rhinestones:en skulle ramla av då de ligger så nära kanten, men de satt fint som de skulle. :)

  3. Wow! You really did a great job here!!!
    I feel the icy cold feeling but the touch of the rhinestones and Snow-flakes makes it nice and welcomming! Very pretty!
    You're getting very good at the needle dragging teqnique! A true proffessional actually! :D

    1. Thank you so much, fun to here that you liked it! :D
      Needle dragging is so fun and easy, and it's of cause also fun that it's appreciated amongst other, so it sure will be a lot more of them in the blog. :D


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