
Friday, February 1, 2013

Zebra + leopard in a green gradient

For today I have a green toned gradient nail art to show. With leopard spots and zebra stripes too. First I intended it to be more of a gradient from light green, to green to blue but it didn't work on all nails though. Hope you like it anyhow. :)

I really like this type of nail art and I've done it before >LINK here<. I honestly like that color combination more even though I liked this one a lot too.

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - TLC
Kleancolor - Neon Green
Kleancolor - Beach Blue
Kleancolor - Black
Jordana Pop Art - Black

Hope you liked it! :)


  1. This was awsome Gelic'!! :D
    I really like the colours you have picked and the patterns go so well together!!
    Very well done!!! I bow ;)

    1. Thank you! :D I really like green so I guess there wasn't any surprise there.. ;) And green and blue are close to each other so the choice was simple. And animal pattern are cool. :D

  2. Wow, du är så duktig! Så snyggt!! :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Tack! alltid kul att höra om saker gillas. :)

  4. Tack, vad kul att du gillar det! :) Zebra + leopard kan ju å andra sidan aldrig gå fel ;)

  5. Det var jättesnyggt!!! Den gröna färgen gör lite så att zebraränderna ser ut som högt gräs, så det ser lite ut som en leopard som gömmer sig i gräset på savannen :)

    1. hihi, vilken kul tolkning och kan hålla med det du säger! :D Kul att att du gillade manikyren! :D

  6. Gelic this mani is Awesomeness! I saw the other you did, but I personally prefer the green one. You've done a great job! I specially appreciate you've taken some pictures with natural light :D

    1. Thank you! :D I think I like the other one better but both are nice though. Yes, I totally agree with you! Most of my photos from summer time is in natural light but now in winter there's not so much light or sun so then I'm stuck with yellow light photos if I'm not able to match it the sun time wise some how. :/


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