
Friday, May 3, 2013

About comments

I've noticed that blogger seems to mess up comments. So I so sorry for those of you that I've might have missed answering. :/

Before I've set it up like when someone comment I get an email about it, for some reason this doesn't work anymore and I don't know why. For my new blog posts I mostly see the new comments at the blog before checking my email but for comments in old posts I'm now screwed.

My solution for this is that posts older than 10 days will be moderator approved. Hopefully this won't be any negative change for you more than if you comment on an old post the comment wont appear the second you've left it.

If any problems appear, please comment or email me. My mail is on the sideboard to the left.

To make this post a tiny bit funnier, some music. ;)

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Post a Comment

I love when you comment my posts even if it's just a simple hello. To simplify I will answer the comments in the post you wrote them in. I'll answer all comments so please check back if you want. :) Have a nice day!
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