
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sunshine Award

The rules for this award are easy and fun:
- Thank the person who nominated you!
- Post the award logo on your blog
- Share 7 facts about yourself
- Nominate 5 or more blogs that inspire you
Last week I was nominated to the Sunshine Award by Little Miss Nailpolish. Sorry it took so long time but I did't have the time until now. I also saw that Fastnaglad also has given me this award now. So thank you so much both of you! It makes me so happy to recieve this.

The seven facts:
  1. It was about two years ago I last counted my nail polish stash and I have no clue how many I got today.
  2. I now got a bachelor in industrial design and really hope I'll get the opportunity to work with it in the future.
  3. I'm not really into chips and salty snacks, my favorite combination is Marabou milk chocolate with these pink Ferrari cars.
  4. I'm more of a dog person than anything else. Even though I like all kinds of animal.
  5. I don't like soft drink or bubbly water and I don't like hamburgers and pizza that much.
  6. I do like cooking my own food from scratch and baking my own bread etc.I don't like all the additives they put into food.
  7. I have a boyfriend and dog and we live together in a flat in the north of Sweden.
There's a lot of people who inspires me, some because they have beautiful nails and shows beautiful swatches and some people inspires me because of there innovative nail art and technique. And some are even both. ;) I've been a bit slow here so I've seen that many of the bloggers I like have already got this award, but some will get it anyhow. ;)

Beauty by Shortylegs
She is actually one of few beauty and nail blogs I read. Most blogs I read are mainly only nail related. She is very detailed in her posts and she seems like such a nice person!

I know she's already done this award but I can't help my self having her here as well, I really adore her nail art skills. She always has nail art's that feels very unique and that feels so inspiring to look at.

Hon med naglarna
She's had a little blog paus now, but I've followed her for a long time and her nails are beautiful and I love her nail art and swatches. As soon as I see that she's updated I'll go and check it out.

Ithinity beauty
This is a talented and nice girl I've followed for quite some time. She's showing beautiful nail art's and I'm always looking forward to see what she's come up with.

Sleepy Elin
She's a quite "new" blogger but she's already popular and it's understandable, she shows the most beautiful swatches and it's almost dangerous to check her photos because I end up putting lots of polishes on my wish list!

Pene Negler
I also wanted to ad a 6th blogger which is a norwegian blog I've started to read this last period of time. I really like reading her posts and looking at her photos. She deserve some extra attention and is well worth a visit. :)
I realize that it would be easy to fill in many more blogs and bloggers as well, there are so many of you out there who's so inspiring, have awesome nails, shows beautiful swatches and nail art's, write awesome text and you all seems so nice and kind. Basically you all, both mentioned and not mentioned, makes blogging so much funnier for me. :)
Thank you ALL for being so awesome! :)


  1. Så kul att läsa de här inläggen.
    Jag älskar också Marabous mjölkchoklad och Ferraribilarna, även om jag inte ätit de på vääääldigt läånge nu.
    Grymt bra jobbat med din examen!! :-)

    1. Ja, jag håller med. Har läst alla andras inlägg med spänning ;)
      Ooooh, det är alltså inte bara jag som gillar marabou + ferarri tillsammans! Vad kul :D
      Tack så mycket också!

  2. Congrats on getting the award and thank you so much for nominating me and the sweet words! I feel really honored because I love your blog, your so creative! :D

    1. Thank you so much! And you're welcome, I really wanted you to have the award too <3

  3. Först av allt... TACK för att du vill ge mig denna award och för de fina orden du skrev om mig :) Det är så roligt att du tycker det om mig och att du tycker jag har detaljerade inlägg :)
    Jätteintressant att läsa dina svar, skall gå och titta på de andras svar också :)

    1. Åh ingen orsak! :D Det som är lite extra kul med awards, att man får extra tillfälle för att ge lite extra positiv bekräftelse till de man tycker om! :) kram

  4. Så kul att läsa dessa fakta! Du har tagit din examen nu precis va? Grattis, så roligt! Roligt med industriell design också, det har ingått lite sånt i min utbildning med och det verkar så himla roligt! Och tack så mycket för awarden! Jag blir så rörd så jag blir mållös. Jag kan förstå att jag får en tillbakaskickad, det känns verkligen speciellt! Men jag behöver inte göra den igen va, eller ska jag hitta på sju nya fakta om mig själv? :p

    1. Tack! Ja precis, det stämmer, tog min examen för någon vecka sen. Det har varit en kul utbildning och jag håller tummarna att jag är nog bra att kunna få jobb inom det. :) Oh va kul, har förstått att du pluggar något med ingenjör mellan raderna. ;)
      Haha, nej, du behöver inte göra awarden igen, du gjorde ju den precis! Tänkte mer symboliskt, hade redan skrivit in dig i listan då jag såg att du redan fått den + gett mig den och ville bara inte ta bort dig eftersom jag verkligen ville ha med dig. :)

  5. Kul att veta lite mer om dig! Grattis till examen!

  6. Tusen, tusen takk for at du nemnte meg! Det varmar virkeleg. Eg har dessverre ikkje blogga på nokre veker på grunn av jobb (60 timer i uka er grusomt!) men no har eg endeleg ferie og startar opp att for fullt. Takk for motivasjonen, eg skal svare så snart eg har tid (men først eit negle-innlegg).

    Klem, Anja


I love when you comment my posts even if it's just a simple hello. To simplify I will answer the comments in the post you wrote them in. I'll answer all comments so please check back if you want. :) Have a nice day!
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