
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Yellow funky french with stickers

Today I'll show you a nail art I wasn't that content about. Those damn sticker.. First of all I applied too many.. and to make it worse they all curled on me (which they haven't done before) making every nail less smooth. So I ended up removing it before it even had dried properly. However I liked the yellow funky french and I would have liked this with accent nails with uncurled stickers.. Oh well, that's life. :)

Polishes used:
China Glaze - Happy Go Lucky
China Glaze - Sensuous
Stickers from 8ty8beauty


  1. Aw, too bad everything went wrong with this mani... Sometimes you just have days like that, lol :-)

    1. Yes, some days are just like that..luckily it changes :D

  2. det ser snyggt ut på bild! dekaler kan vara jäkligt jobbiga.

    1. Ja, egentligen tror jag det blev värre och värre ju mer de torkade. Funderar om jag stressade för mycket genom hela manikyren..

  3. Dekaler är knepiga saker har jag förstått!

    1. Ja ibland så.. Vissa gånger har det gått fint, denna gång var det bara att ge upp. Kanske stressade jag för mycket genom allt så basen var för "blöt".

  4. It looks better than you think! I can't even see where they curled up. I am loving the yellow tips and with the stickers it looks so striking! :) xx

    1. Thank you! I think it's one of those where others might not see while one self see all the details/things sticking up! But I do agree, I love the concept of it all with the funky frech, yellow and black. :D

  5. Vi kanske ska lämna de där fjärilarna åt någon annan. ;) Men en funky french funkar alltid. :)

    1. hahah, ja man undrar ju nästan ;) Håller med, funky french är ju sjukt somrigt och fräscht. :D

  6. Aww its such a shame you didn't like the stickers, I think they look really cute, especially with the yellow!

    1. Thank you! Yea, I liked the concept of it but when they all curled I gave up. However I have used them before and then they worked as they should..weird! :)

  7. Jag tycker det ser helt ok ut! Mer än ok!! Älskar Happy Go Lucky! Både lacket och filmen! ;)

    1. Tack tack! Ja, jag älskar också Happy Go Lucky, lacket ;)Filmen har jag inte sett. Såg just trailen, ska kanske ta och se den, den såg så..glad ut ;) hihi

    2. Ge filmen en chans! Den ät typiskt brittisk dvs lite eh konstig ;)
      Men man blir glad av den! Hon som spelar Poppy är helt underbar!


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