
Friday, July 12, 2013

China Glaze - Sci-Fly By, swatch

Yesterday I took the day of, thought I needed the time for my self. Today I'm back and I'm showing you a beautiful polish. I think Skimmerskuggan is on vacation but that isn't stopping me from showing some holo this nice Friday. I've been bad showing my holos, mainly because it has felt like if everyone has been showing them and I'd like to hold my on the shelf just a bit longer..

I bet you've seen this, but this is China Glaze - Sci-Fly By from the Hologlam collection. It's a light blue linear holographic polish and I needed two coats to reach opacity. It's not a unique color but a good alternative if you don't have something like this before.

As you can see the rainbows is amazing in the sun, being so striking and in your face. One positive thing I've noticed with the polishes from the Hologlam collection is that they've in my mind always looked better on the nails than in bottle, which almost never happens.
In the shadow the rainbows are a bit more dull or non-existing. And one thing I've noticed with these polishes is that they are really showing every tiny ridge, scratch or damage on the nail. Normally I think my nail's looks smooth with polish on but not with this. Next time I'll use double base coats or something..
I've heard some people having problem with "holo sickness" with this collection but so far I haven't experienced that.
 All photos are in sunlight except the second one which obviously is in the shadow. :)

Do you got any polishes from the Hologlam collection? What did you think about this and/or the collection?


  1. Fint, men inget jag känner jag behöver eftersom jag fick Color Clubs Over The Moon häromdagen.

    1. Nä, det kan jag förstå! Skulle jag rekommendera någon ett ljusblått hololack så skulle det ju vara CC och inte CG i första hand. CC har ju mer regnbågar oavsett skugga eller sol. :P

  2. Jag skulle ta den här före CC alla gånger. Så läckert linjär! Du fångar holot jättebra!

    1. Är det så? Jag skulle nog ta CC's över denna bara för CC's är holografisk jämt. Fast visst, Hologlam är ju linjära som attan och det är verkligen inte illa det heller. Men det som är bäst är ändå att man slipper välja om man vill och helt enkelt ha båda och lite till. :D

  3. This polish is gorgeous! I don't own any polish from this collection, but it looks so wonderful, I think I should! Great pictures, great review Gelic!

    1. Thank you! Yes, it sure is wonderful, linear but it looks absolutely best in the sun though. I went for the colder colors in this collection and actually skipped the pink ones since I'm not that into pink. :P

  4. Welldone on taking a day off, sometimes we all need it (excuse my more thorough absence haha) I totally get what you mean about holding back polish, I have Infra-red for a few months and I'm still not ready to show it lol. This is JUST beautiful! I can see what you mean about the smoothness but its not so bad. Maybe a nice coat of something like China Glaze's 'Nude' which is really smooth would help. Still, beautiful photos and wonderful review! <3

    1. Haha, one sure need a break now and then! ;)
      I think some polishes just need to sit and mature, kinda grow in place for test run. :P
      It is a beautiful polish and I'll do as you say and test another base coat of some sort. The one I got now is awesome for other polishes, but it obviously dries too thin for the holos.

  5. Vilka vackra bilder du har fångat av det här lacket!! Jag köpte CC istället för CG den här gången och jag är rätt nöjd med det valet. CC har outstanding formula och starkare holo effekt, men CG är verkligen vackra också! Skulle jag hitta CG på rea skulle jag inte tveka en sekund ;) men till fullpris... nja.... ;)

    1. Tack! :P Ja, CC är verkligen fina, fördelen med dem är ju att de är holografiska jämt. Skulle först inte köpas CG's men kunde inte lta bli så slog till på hälften av dem i varje fall. Linjära holos är ju inte dumt alls, visst de är inte lika fin i skuggan men i solen så är det ju galet.
      Hm, rea på CG vore ju en dröm! ;D


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