
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Nude jelly sandwich

Hi there! I'm still ill and my blog and also reading your blogs has been suffering. However, it's Sunday and I felt that it would almost be a sin not to post on Nail Art Sunday ;)

For today I have an archive nude jelly sandwich;

You might remember this manicure from THIS post and this is the same but with Sheer Pastel Cocoa on top as well. I really like how the glitter looks here, hidden but still visible. Subtle but still really cool. :) Jellies have become the new favorite finish for me!

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - Sugar Coat
Kleancolor - Sheer Pastel Cocoa


  1. What a great sandwich!! It's so subtle but still edgy! Great job!
    I hope you will feel better soon! <3

    1. Thank you! :D Fun you liked it even though it's so subtle! :) Now I finally starting to feel better so hopefully can get back to normal soon <3

  2. So soft and beautiful, I think its one of the best 'elegant' sandwiches I've seen! :D I really hope your feeling better soon, take it easy and make sure you get enough rest :D xx

    1. Thank you! :) I actually really liked this one, as you say it feels elegant being nude but there's still some glam to it with the glitter underneath. :) I actually feel better now, I've been resting a lot and Ive been eating healty food and stuff like that to "cure me". Still some cough but at least I'm not tired. You have probably noticed by now, but you got mail! ;)

  3. Oj nej att du fortfarande är sjuk *skickar krya på dig kramar över nätet*
    Jättesnygg manikyr förresten :) Gillar att glittret är lite sådär gömt :)
    Krya på dig

    1. Dubbelt tack! :) Kul att du gillade manikyren! Hoppas du också kryat på dig, själv känner jag mig bättre. :)

  4. Fint! Nude fast ändå lite bling:)Hoppas att du blir frisk snart, jag är också sjuk fortfarande:(

    1. Tack! Kunde inte sagt det bättre själv, "nude fast bling" ;) Nä, inte du också fortfarande..jag börjar bli lite bättre nu. Blä för sommarförkylningar helt enkelt!


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