
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Feather nail art

For this Sunday I have my very first feather nail art to show. I hated the base color I chose (maybe you don't but pastel orange is not my favorite)..I chose it because I thought it looked good with the brownish color the feather had. No matter what I think I managed to apply the feathers pretty good except on my ring finger (which was my first try). I'll definitely try this more times, it was really simpler than I thought!

The last days I whore it I painted my nails with an effect glitter polish which tingled it up, but I preferred the "natural feather look" better.

ZTIZ nail polish (pastel orange)
Paris Memories (effect glitter polish)
Coq neck feathers

And also, removal was easier than I thought. I thought that the feather would be like a large piece of glitter never going of but they're so thin and came off easily like the rest of the polish.

What do you think about this? Have you tried feather nail art?


  1. Så läckert med fjäder nail art. Har aldrig testat det, ser svårt ut....:-/

    1. Tack! Det var faktiskt riktigt lätt, betydligt enklare än jag trodde om jag ska vara ärlig. Har funderat på att göra en steg-för-steg tutorial nästa gång jag gör en fjädermanikyr så får du och andra se! :D

  2. Hi Gelic - I am really impressed - your feather nail art looks great and your choice of colors is very pretty next to your skin!!! Now I have a question: are the feathers something like water decals? Or did you paint them with a brush? Whatever, it looks stunning :-)

    1. Hi and thank you! Oh, the feathers are real ones, from a bird (male chicken=coq) :D They are very thin and delicate so I just placed them on my nails and fixated them there. I've been thinking about doing a tutorial next time I'll try doing this. :D

    2. I am AWED!!! This is an amazing idea!!! And I of course understand the difficulty of having those delicate thingies placed on the nail!!!!

  3. Snyggt! Jag hade en färgglad fjädermanikyr i påskas och gillade det. Det kanske är dags att göra om det!

  4. Skitsnyggt!! Jag har testat, men jag hade nog för tjocka fjädrar för det tog mig en evighet att göra mina och jag minns att jag tänkte att jag aldrig mer skulle göra om det ;)

  5. Oh, I love this! I still have to do a feather nail art :)

  6. You did amazing! I love the natural colours and the feathers look so neatly applied!I recently picked up some feathers from the born pretty store that I and slightly nervous to try applying haha! Hope my first time looks anywhere near as half as good as yours does! xx

  7. Wow this looks incredible! I love the combo of the orange/nude with the brown. Looks very natural. So creative using feathers like that... amazing =)


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