
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Skittle nail art

Haha, I feel a tiny bit slow posting, let's go with the base for this nail art which is a nail art like this too, namely a skittle. I must where that more often, with the correct color scheme it looks so beautiful and this combination I really liked. Something I also like here is the length..They are shorter now and I must also cut them down even more tonight. *sad face* :(

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - TLC
Kleancolor - Pastel Purple
Kleancolor - Mango
Kleancolor - Pastel Blue
Kleancolor - Pastel Pink

For tomorrow I'll try schedule a post for the challenge "Where In The World" and USA is the country. See you then! :)


  1. Åh sååå snyggt med en skittle. Underbara färger du valt. Dina naglar är suuuupersnygga ju. :-)

    1. Ja, oväntat snyggt. Jag glömmer lätt att de kan se riktigt kul ut med det. Tack, gillar mina naglar på bilden men har brutit tre på kort tid nu och de går inte laga. Så kommer bli kort framöver. :/

  2. Vad supersnyggt! Du har valt underbara färger! Som en sommaräng! :)
    Jag klippte ner mina nagar igår. Rejält. Trist, men ett måste. De var så långa att jag inte kunde jobba ordentligt. Så är det när man är florist.

    1. Tack!
      Åh, du fick också klippa ned, men som du säger kan man ju tyvärr inte få betalt att beundra sina egna naglar så stör de i jobbet så måste de ju klippas. Tycker dock att dina naglar alltid är fina, korta eller långa, ser bra ut vilket som! <3

  3. I just love those happy skittles!!! I remembered only when I did one last week and sadly could not keep it on. I like them best when done with colors from the same brand - why? Hmm seems to me that they then look lined up consistency wise and the focus is completely on the different colors - have a lovely day, dear Gelic xxx

    1. Yea, me too! :D Hm, yea, I picked only the same brand here and somehow I liked that too. I also like using the same brand for other nail art too, but because it's easier for me to remember if I post it several months after! XD A lovely day to you too! :D

  4. Love your nails, and the colors are so beautiful <3

  5. Those colors do look beautiful together! NOOO cutting nails sucks :P

    1. Thanks! Yea, I hate cutting my nails, unless I already wanted to trim them, but there's a difference of trimming and total cutting down.. :O


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