
Monday, September 23, 2013

31DC2013 Day 23; A Clockwork Orange nail art

Day 23 in this challenge and I feel that even though I really like this challenge it take's a lot of time. Especially since I really like it, it's easy to procrastinate away more important things, which I actually have to do. My basic problem is that I say to my self that "I'm just going to read my blog/paint my nails/blog reading... and after that I'll get into my have-to-stuff". The problem is that I never get to the part where I do the have-to-stuff, so now I'm behind so therefore I've decided to do the opposite, which I should have done in the first place..doh. You'll probably wont notice any difference anyhow, I'll schedule my posts as before but I wont get into the "fun part" until I'm done with the important stuff.

Anyhow, the reason you got here; naaaails. Day 23 is inspired by a movie and my movie of choice is A Clockwork Orange which is also produced and directed by my favorite director; Stanley Kubrick. The nail art it self is quite simple but I really liked it and hope you'll like it too. Right below you can see the inspiration image I used for this nail art.


Polishes used:
Jordana Pop Art - Black Mark
Kleancolor - Mango
Nordic Cap - NP12
Nordic Cap - NP13
Loose large 3MM flat black hexagon glitter

So what do you think about this nail art? Do you have a favorite movie or perhaps a favorite director? Have you seen any movies by Stanley Kubrick and have you seen A Clockwork Orange and if you did, did you like it?


  1. Gud så härlig manikyr! Så läckert. :-)

  2. You did a great job! I think the art nail is done perfectly! I'm the same.. nails first, blog reading, returning comments...Where did the day go? Haha. I should really do a nail challenge but I don't know much about them or if just anyone is allowed to do them :( You make me wanna build up my kleancolor collection! Good luck getting all your stuff done :)

    1. Thanks! Yea, we seem to be the same, at the end of the day I wonder where it went... Fail.. Today was a slight improvement but not near the success of actually feeling content with the day. Hopefully I'll get more done tomorrow.

      I'd L-O-V-E to see you make a challenge! I guess that most of the challenges are for anyone to join! Often people announce in advance so other have time to prepare and join, because I guess that's the thing, it's funnier to be many in a challenge and also to link each other or perhaps use inlinkz.. Right now I'm joining this and it ends soon but I'm also doing the "where in the world-challenge" (just doing when ever I got time, not scheduled), if you want you can join that one? I'm in country nr 8 of 25. Or if you find another one, tell me and I can join too. Or we could make one of our own!! :D I'm up for anything!

    2. Woah, Gelic! I just emailed you on something :) I love the idea of being able to come up with a challenge together, that would be so fun but I am so new to challenges! Lets brain storm :D

    3. Woah back! ;) Just emailed you back! The brain storm has began! :D

  3. You did a good interpretation (: lovely. I am loving the orange color (:

  4. What a wonderful idea!
    This movie is an icon of the cinema, and your interpretation is awesome! I love it :)

    1. Thank you! I really liked the graphical image of it, since it was perfect for nail art and of cause I also like the movie.:P

  5. Replies
    1. Tack ! Vet ju att du gillar orange också ;)

  6. Åh så coolt och läckert! Väldigt bra tolkning. Jag gillar filmen även om den är obehaglig på sina ställen, men välgjord och intressant. Har även läst Anthony Burgess bok som filmen är baserad på. Annars har jag rätt blandade åsikter om Kubrick, tyckte tex 2001 var dötråkig (var visserligen 15 när jag såg den)..

    1. Tack! Kul att du gillade den. Jag håller med dig, det finns vissa scener, tex när kvinnan som våldtas i början, som gör att det kryper i mig av obehag.. Men en film som inte berör är ju å andra sidan sådär. Har inte läst boken och det kanske jag borde! Har inte sett alla kubrickfilmer, inte heller 2001 så kan varken bekräfta eller dementera om den är bra. Oavsett kan man ju inte gilla allt. :D

  7. This looks great, very graphic and not too simple or anything like that. Love it!

    1. Thanks! Fun you liked it, I think it went out fine. :D

  8. Roligt och snyggt!

    Svårt det där att prioritera. Ibland i alla fall. :-)

    1. Tack!
      Ja, jag är nog en mästare på felprioriteringar.. men ska bli bättre på't! Efter den här challengen blir det dock lite lättare känner jag.


I love when you comment my posts even if it's just a simple hello. To simplify I will answer the comments in the post you wrote them in. I'll answer all comments so please check back if you want. :) Have a nice day!
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