
Thursday, September 5, 2013

31DC2013 Day 3; Yellow to gold gradient

For day three in this challenge, it's "yellow nails". And I'm still at my parents house and my mom only got one yellow.. That particular yellow I'll show later in an own swatch post, however it reminds me a lot about Kubiss no. 62 which also is a yellow shimmer. That time NefariouslyNiftyNails commented that it almost looked like gold and from that the idea of a yellow and gold gradient came. And for today, being yellow and all that, I figured it would be awesome to try it.

I think it came out well even though it was hard to capture the actual gold, it looks more brown but at least it was gold IRL, ancient gold like color to be accurate. I also have some bonus pics in the end with flowers! :D

 Polishes used:
Paris Memories - #293
ZTIZ nail polish (gold)


  1. Kanske inte en favoritgradient, men fin ändå.

    1. Tack. Jag kan tänka mig att många kanske har svårt för gul och guld och nu blev de ihop. Däremot var det kul att testa eftersom jag sett det framför mig förut och undrat hur det ska se ut. :D

  2. Himla tjusig gradient tycker jag. Och bilden med gula blomman döläcker.

    1. Tack så mycket! :D Ja, den var himla fin, tydligen så är den en ringblomma!

  3. Den guldiga var inte riktigt min smak, men den gula nyansen var fin!

  4. Beautifu, Gelic! I love the look and you can see its gold, the last pictures really show it! I hope your enjoying time at your parents, I really need to thank you for your comment because it brightened my day, Its getting easier I think it was just a few days home to readjust! As aways your pictures are beautiful and I need to send you some more mail soon ;) xx

    1. Thank you, fun you liked the manicure and pictures! Yea, I liked spending time with them but by now I also miss my BF so I'll go back to my hometown really soon.
      And you're welcome! It usually is like that. And you're always welcome to send emails :D

  5. It looks beautiful, especially in the last couple pictures!

    1. Thank you! I also liked them, the last pictures aren't necessary per ce but I found them to be so beautiful that I had to include them! :D

  6. Måste förresten tacka dig för det du skrev om olika finishar i en kommentar! Det var verkligen hjälpsamt, tack :)

    1. Åh, ingen orsak! Jag hade inte heller någon som helst aning i början. (inte för att jag påstår att jag vet allt nu heller) I min värld fanns typ shimmer och inte shimmer innan.. haha Man lär sig massa kul saker hela tiden helt enkelt! :)

  7. Oh how spectacular!!! Awesome idea - your nails look like a piece of the most delicate damask!!!! Gradients just look best over longer nails like yours - looooove this xxx


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