
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

31DC2013; The summary

I've loved doing this challenge, it has been so challenging and fun to try out so many different nail art's, both techniques and also design's I have wanted to try but haven't got around to actually try before. It has also been fun to find new awesome nail blogs that I definitely will follow also after this challenge. A big advantage has been to always know what nail art I should do of the day but I guess that I don't need to say that the disadvantage has been that I haven't been able yo enjoy all nail art's as long as I would have done in normal circumstances even though some posts have been scheduled. Another issue is that the challenge has been very time consuming and it will be nice to "relax" and get back to regular posting, however I definitely recommend this challenge and I'll definitely join it next year! :D

And yea, for this post, I imagined that you'd wanted a summary of my journey through the 31 Day Challenge 2013? Right right? Anyhow, here it is: (All images are clickable if you want to get to the original post) another thing is to click the 31DC2013-label and you'll see all posts.


31DC2013 Day 1 -Red nails; Red arrow funky french

31DC2013 Day 2 - Orange Nails; Orange dotted gradient funky french

31DC2013 Day 3 - Yellow nails; Yellow to gold gradient

31DC2013 Day 4 - Green nails; Green manicure with a green french tip

31DC2013 Day 5 - Blue nails; Matte and shiny layered in blue

31DC2013 Day 6 - Purple nails; Purple cheetah

31DC2013 Day 7 - B&W nails; Black and white cross stitch nail art

31DC2013 Day 8 - Metallic nails; Metallic needle dragging nail art
31DC2013 Day 9 - Rainbow nails; Rainbow stripes on gray

31DC2013 Day 10 - Gradient nails; Gradient with neon glitter


31DC2013 Day 11 - Polka Dots; Double dotted funky french

31DC2013 Day 12 - Stripes; Colored stripes on gray

31DC2013 Day 13 - Animal print; Fox nail art

31DC2013 Day 14 - Flowers; Rhinestone flower nail art combined with lace nail art

31DC2013 Day 15 - Delicate print; Delicate and subtle rose print nail art

31DC2013 Day 16 -Tribal print; Neon tribal nail art

31DC2013 Day 17 - Glitter; Icy glitter gradient

31DC2013 Day 18 - Half moons; Matte half moon nail art with gradient

31DC2013 Day 19 - Galaxy nails; Abstract punk rock galaxy nails

31DC2013 Day 20 - Water marble; Watermarble with gradient

Inspired by... :

31DC2013 Day 21 -Inspired by a color; Inspired by orange; orange fruit nail art

31DC2013 Day 22 - Inspired by a song; Devil's funky french

31DC2013 Day 23 - Inspired by a movie; A Clockwork Orange nail art

31DC2013 Day 24 - Inspired by a book; Stephen King inspired nail art

31DC2013 Day 25 - Inspired by fashion; Tweed nail art

31DC2013 Day 26 - Inspire by a pattern; Pink burberry nail art with gradient

31DC2013 Day 27 - Inspired by artwork; Jackson Pollock inspired splatter nail art

31DC2013 Day 28 - Inspired by a flag; Swiss flag cross stitch nail art

31DC2013 Day 29 - Inspired by the supernatural; Troll doll nail art

31DC2013 Day 30 - Inspired by a tutorial; Pink panther nail art

31DC2013 Day 31 - Honor nails you <3; Dandelion nail art

So, congratulations of getting to the end of this looong post. Now I'm curious if you have a favorite or two amongst the days? Mine is the dandelion.. Or perhaps you have a request of a tutorial of some of the nail art's?

And PS.. have you seen how much my nails have grown during this month?! I just cut them down again so that they are as "short" as in the beginning of this challenge but I hope they'll grow back their length soon. DS


  1. Fantastiska kreationer! Nu har jag nåt att fundera på i väntan på att mina egna växer ut igen...

    1. Tack så mycket! :D Ja, bara att spåna på idéer tills dess. Jag har skrivit upp en lista på vilka nail art's jag ska göra här näst och det tröstar lite. :)

  2. Det är fantastiskt vilka jobb du har lagt ner! Det har varit sååå kul att följa! Mina favoriter är nr 19 och 23 :)

    1. Tack så mycket! Kul att höra dina favoriter, det som är kul, alla faller ju för olika nail art's :D

  3. Wow det är helt otroliga manikyrer och nail arts du skapat! Jag är imponerad av allt du åstadkommit. De är såååå vackra. :-)

    1. Tack så mycket! :D Kul att du gillar dem, challengen var riktigt kul att göra och det var även kul för mig att se allihopa samlade. :D

  4. Gillar dom alla, helt underbara. Du är så duktig :)

  5. Otroligt snygga och spännande manikyrer! Det har varit roligt att följa dig!

  6. This challenge has been so much fun! You have so many great manicures there, the half moon, the trolls, the dandelion are all incredible, as goes for the rest of them, beautiful!!

    1. Thank you! :D Yes, it sure has been fun to do and also follow others! :DFun to hear your favorites too :D

  7. Härligt att se sammanfattningen! Dina manikyrer blev snyggare och snyggare under månaden tycker jag :)

    1. Tack så mycket! Ja, en gissning är att det helt enkelt var roligare utmaningar i slutet som dessutom krävde mer än "bara" en färg. :D

  8. Det går inte att välja en favorit när alla är så snygga!!!

  9. Its really hard to choose one Favorite. I love all of your mani's You are very innovative :D

    1. Thank you! You're too kind! :D It has been so much fun doing this challenge! :D

  10. Det är så kul att kolla igenom alla summeringarna hos er som varit med på denna challange. Så här i efterhand ångrar jag mig att jag inte hängde på:(

    1. Tack! Ja, det var jättekul att göra den och jag rekommenderar det verkligen. Dock kan du ju börja nu (inget tvång att göra den just i september) eller så kör du nästa år! Jag ska också försöka att vara med nästa år och det är bara roligt ju fler man "känner" som är med! :D

  11. It is lovely to see all of these challenge manicures in one place incase I missed any while I was sick, you've done such an amazing job and you should be really proud of yourself since every single one has been outstanding :) My personal faves are the Foxy, Pink Panther, Dandelion and IT nails but they are all faaaabulous! :)

    1. Thank you! And I agree, it is fun for me too to see everything in one place and look at it from a "distance" if you know what I mean. I really liked doing this challenge and I'm happy I managed to do it! :D Also fun to hear about your favorites! :D

  12. Oh my, so much to look at in one post. I'm partial to the tweed look myself though it's very hard to choose a favorite.

    1. Thank you! :D I really liked the tweed too, fun to hear which one you liked the best :D

  13. Meeen vicken rolig, duktig du är!!!


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