
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Swedish yellow and blue tiger nail art

One challenge is down, one more to go. I started with the Where in the world-challenge in January this year and my goal is to finish it before the new year. Since the 31 day challenge worked fine I'm sure I'll manage with this even though I'd say that it's harder to come up with ideas for this challenge.

Anyhow country no. 8 is my home country; Sweden and I decided to do the Swedish tiger. Of cause this is not an animal because there's no wild tigers in Sweden. It's actually a symbol used i Sweden during world war 2, mainly a reminder not to speak about military things during that time. The reason why this symbol (or the tiger to be correct) is funny is that it has a double interpretation in the Swedish language. "Tiger" could both be the animal and to keep silent, which was important during those times. I also just read on wikipedia that an English phrase with the same meaning was "loose lips sink ships".
That's the background story of that. Anyhow, my main idea was the the yellow and the blue would look cool with tiger -, or well, zebra stripes and here's my yellow and blue tiger nails;

Polishes used:
Paris Memories - #293
Color club Art Club - Midnight Blue

Have you missed a country? Then click on on it below.
1. Australia  

2. Canada
3. Spain
4. Israel 
5. Poland
6. USA
7. Denmark


  1. oh my gosh, this is gorgeous! I absolutely love it. I'd love to try this some day soon, would you mind?

    1. Aw, thank you! :D Of cause you can try it on! I'd just be happy :D

  2. Looks great - You did an amazing job with these nails!

  3. Men gud vilken rolig manikyr! Dels är den fin och så är de dessutom lite roligt med tanke på budskapet. Det var faktiskt först i våras som jag fattade det "tysta" budskapet i den sloganen, haha.

    1. Tack! :D Kul att du gillar den, tyckte också att den kunde vara lite kul ;) Fick faktiskt höra om budskapet redan i högstadiet, jag har gått på skolor som verkligen tjatat in varje detalj om ww2, men man ska ju inte klaga, all kunskap är ju bra. :)

  4. Snyggt ! Du får designa om våran flagga för det här hade sett mycket bättre ut ;)

    1. Tack! haha, ja och då hade vår flagga känts lite mer unik, kors har ju "alla".. ;) Dock skulle folk i världen nog tycka att det var knasigt med det exotiska mönstret när det varken finns så speciellt många exotiska djur i sverige, för de skulle ju inte fatta dubbelbetydelsen. :D

  5. Smart! Jätterolig inspiration!

    1. Tack! :) Ja, den kändes lite skojig, kanske skojigast för oss svenskar. :)

  6. Snyggt upphottad variant av den svenska tigern:)

    1. Tack! Ja, det är ju mer tigeraktigt här än orginalets ränder. :D

  7. Thank you! :D Fun you liked it! :D


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