
Monday, October 21, 2013

White glitter gradient on green base

The pink week is over by now but Karin at Vacker&underbar brought some attention to the fact that October also means Depression Awareness Month which has the color green , which made her to decide to have a green week, hence United in Green. This is not the same thing as cancer where we can buy pins and donate money but I still think it's important to bring attention to it.

It's like a hidden disease filled with prejudices, one depression isn't similar to another, and they maybe don't need the same treatment. And there's one thing feeling blue, another to feel depressed due to a fail or loss and then there's clinical depression etc. And some people say that one should just cheer up but sometime it's not as simple as that, sometime it's about needing support from friends and family, someone that listen, and some time it's the opposite; to talk with someone outside the family and in some cases medicating.

With this post I'd like to point out that if you know someone that you know that is feeling down or depressed, give them a hug and/or some love. If you feel depressed, do something that makes you happy or in some situations the best thing is to search for help.. I know some people who have found joy in polish collecting and polish painting, it has become some sort of healing. How quirky it ever may be, what ever makes you happy is good.

This manicure made me happy when I wore it at least. I wore it during this summer and well, green is a great color. I'm also really found of these reversed glitter gradients. Hope you like it.

Polishes used:
VOW - 777 (green)
Oopsie Daisies - Zeus


  1. Vad fint du skrev! Och din manikyr är ju hur läcker som helst! Kul att du är med! =)

    1. Tack! Kändes kul att vara med och dessutom är grönt en färg som jag verkligen gillar! Och tack dessutom för din hjälp när inlinkz strulade! :)

  2. Den här gillade jag, kanonsnyggt:)

    1. Tack! Jag är också förtjust i denna kombo! :D

  3. Nagellack kan säkert vara en terapi! :) Mycket fin gradient! Läckert!

    1. Tack! :D Ja, alltid hjälper det någon! :D

  4. Mycket snyggt! Det ser ut som flingsalt på en smaskig böna eller nåt! LOL! Det var menat som en komplimang! :)
    Depression hjälps bäst med aktivitet, att aktivera sig, hur mycket motstånd det än finns. Gör nåt litet! Been there, done that. :)

    1. Tack! Hahaha.. roligaste tolkningen någonsin, gillar nästan manikyren mer nu! ;) haha
      Och du har rätt, motion är toppen, tex att bara ta sig ut på en kort promenad och få lite luft. :)

  5. Love your nails! I've never seen such a vibrant green with white glitter gradient. Actually the white glitter polish itself is so interesting!
    Didn't even know about Green October O_o

    1. Thanks! Cool to learn you something "new" ;) I love the white glitter too, except for oopsie daises, ninja polish also got one! :D

  6. Åh, detta gillade jag... Ser ut som salt på det gröna. Du vet inte sånt finkornigt utan det andra. Kommer inte på vad det heter nu bara för det! :P

  7. stunning :D love the green shade (:

  8. Så snyggt, gillar verkligen denna typ av glittergradient bäst!

    1. Tack! Ja, det är min favorit nu också! Känns alltid snyggt och fräscht och kanske lite elegant :P

  9. Beautiful nails and beautiful post <3 I am loving the glitter! I also want to thank you as someone who has been in and out of depression (in the past) for many years that what you wrote was really great. There's always a solution its just finding the right one for each person's situation.

    1. Thank you! :) I'm also happy that you like what I wrote. You are totally correct too, everybody need their unique solution and it's about finding it! I happy that you're happier nowdays also! <3

  10. Awww such a happy and quirky mani!!!! Love it :-) I am a perfect example that polish collecting and painting nails has helped me through my emotional trauma and while I don't speak Swedish I understood LMNPs comment: ACTIVATE is the Secret and I can confirm from own experience. Creativity is Core in treatment of sadness and depression and it seems to be relevant that it is done with your hands - as if creativity has to flow through your Arms and hands out of your body!!!!

    1. Thank you! :D
      Great to hear that nail polish has helped you! And you describe everything so well, now when you say it I think I've used painting and drawing (just being creative in general) has helped me a lot in the past even though I've not seen it like that, or known that it actually has helped me. :)


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