
Friday, November 22, 2013

Kleancolor - Holo Chrome, swatch/layering

The name of this is Holo Chrome but as you can see it's not a real holo as all the other "holo's" from Kleancolor. But I'd definitely say that this is my favorite from that collection. And I also know that Skimmerskuggan is very forgiving for participants for Holo Friday. ;) Don't forget to check her out at the end of the day/tomorrow since "holo polisher" will be linked there. :)

For some reason I didn't photograph the bottle but Holo Chrome contains of fine chrome like glitter (you know that blueish cold toned silver color) and also a whole bunch of fine prismatic glitter, all in a blue transparent base. As it is a glitter it doesn't present any real rainbows but it's still beautiful. I have used it in some nail art's before but never on it's own, yet anyhow. Coverage is great, below is two coats over a black creme. I really like this combination, I like it both in lamp light, sun light and also in shadow when the "holo" has disappeared.

What do you think? Have you got this one from Kleancolor or any of the other from the "Holo collection"?


  1. Det är ju definitivt prismatiskt, men holo vet jag inte... Väldigt fint hur som helst :)

  2. Så snyggt att lägga det över svart! Det ska jag komma ihåg med mina KC holos.

    1. Ja, verkligen en hit. Gjorde det på tånaglarna i somras och insåg att jag var tvungen att testa på händerna också :P Har dock inte testat de andra holosarna över svart men misstänker att de också ser fint ut :P

  3. Åh hjälp, så jäkla snyggt det blev :)

    1. Ja, kul när man hittar kombos som verkligen är helt toppenfina! :)

  4. Ser riktigt fint ut! Gillar färgen!

  5. This is beautiful but the fact it almost completely looks non-holo in low light confuses me, I'm not sure if its a genius two in one polish or if I'd want the holo ALL the time. I'd love to try the Klean Kolor Holo collection!

    1. Haha, I understand your confusion ;) I like this, I think it looks cool both when being "holo" and not holo. But for me the base color/effect when being not holo must be intersting enough for it to work for me. I know some holos that is beautiful in the sun but dead boring in the shadow and then this one must be great. Then again there's holo which is always holo no matter the light so I guess it's a question of personal preference. :D

  6. Holo Chrome är en av de bästa i den kollektionen och också det som kommer närmast till att faktiskt vara "riktigt" hololack om jag inte minns fel.

    1. Ja, jag håller med! Hologlittret är "bra" i alla, dvs glittrar i nästan alla ljus, däremot så upplever jag att denna dels har mer hologlitter och antingen finare/mindre storlek på hologlittret eller så är det det vanliga silverglittret som är små och reflekteras en smula av holot och gör att det blir större tendenser av något som liknar något scattered även om det fortfarande är ett glitter.

  7. I don't own any Kleancolor polishes but WOW this one is mindblowing! *_* And you captured it so well! Can you tell me your secret haha I always find it hard to capture the true beauty of a holo polish :(

    1. Oh, I really like Kleancolor, their Pastel and Metallic collection are really awesome, as well as the rest. Some glitter polishes have been slow drying though. :/

      I don't know if I have a secret, but it IS hard to capture holo. Buuut, Sunlight and/or flourecent light are my "tricks". I also try to make the nails closest to the camera lens in focus and the other out of focus and then it's possible to see that rainbow blur some what. In most times (also in general) I avoid flash photos, often I feel it kills more than it ads, at least my flash ;)


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