
Thursday, January 30, 2014

New base polish to try - Seche Base

Got home a new perfume (a non spray one) today so I opened the cap to relive the scent and when I close the cap drips splashed right into my eye. 2 hours later it still feels weird in the eye, lol.

Today I'm just going to make a quick post about the base coat I'm using for the moment. Three bottles in a row I've used China Glaze - Super Strong Adhesion. And I think it has worked really fine, no chipping and not really any noticeable staining more than the usual which comes with nail polish use.

I'm really into large bottles (newer ending supplies) so I decided to try a new base coat. This time Seche Base - Ridge Filling Base Coat.

I don't really have a ridge problem at all, my nails are pretty smooth, but now during winter my nails have been brittle so I've been forced to "tea-bag" some minor damages and I figured that maybe this base coat could smooth the fixes up with less polish.

When I got the polish I realized that it was shimmery, which I didn't like but luckily it doesn't show so much on the nails, especially not at all with one coat. For fun I tried on two coats on the picture, to see how "white" it looks and it do look a bit white (even though the flash make it look whiter than it really is). So far I still like it, I think it will work great with french manicures (which was the reason why I was worried about the shimmer in it). Now I don't have ridges so I don't know if it work with that and I'm not sure it really helped covering the patches that much, maybe little? Other than that it seems very much the same as my previous base polish (like after a week's usage).

I guess I'll try the other Seche Base next time for reference. It's transparent and just a regular base polish. Some how I like the idea of the same brand behind both the base and top coat (since I love Seche Vite), like if there are more compatible. Not like if I've had any problems before though.

Bought it at Head2toebeauty for US$15.95 + shipping to sweden (4 oz + 0.5 oz = 115 ml + 15ml). In total it ended up with about $20 which makes a good price/ml in my opinion. :)

I'll update if I discovers anything new about this.

Have you tried this base coat? For me most base coats are just the same - just the price that differs, but is there any base coat that really sucks and that you really can't recommend?


  1. Den där ser ju spännande ut. Jag brukar också använda ridgefillers för att försöka jämna ut lagningar. Funkar iofs "sådär". Men stora flaskor gillar vi! :)

    1. Haha, fler som tänker som jag med andra ord. ;) Skönt att höra att fler har lagningar att "dölja". Håller med om att det funkar "sådär".. Kände ju ingen extrem förändring med denna i jämförelse med min förra "icke-ridgande baslack". Dock är ju stora flaskor billiga så man kan ju använda flera lager lack med gott samvete för att smootha ut lagningar. :)

  2. Oj vilken jätteflaska haha! Härligt! :)

  3. wow. that's a Big bottle of base coat! =)

    I can't say that base coat are all the same... I've tried not so many, but for now I prefer Dance Legend's Elastic base (only one minus so far - grey, non transparent bottle (I can't see how many left there). I've tried their other base coats - some peel off's (good too) and Aqua base (still doubt - at first try it make bubbles couple of hours later (breathable base... feels like it's been suffocate under nail polish rofl).
    also tried Essie's base. don't like it at all - nail polish brush stuck on that base, so it's like painting in hard mode, lol.
    yeah. also tried some mac and orly - they were good too =)

    1. Haha, yea. I also buy my top coat's like that too! :D I hate running out of top coat and I always fill up the little bottle so its always filled which make it easy to put the the correct amount of polish on the brush. LOL :D

      I see, good to know what NOT to try! I must say it sounds weird with a non transparent bottle too.. I haven't tried that many either but I must have been lucky. All mine have basically been the same in all aspects!

    2. lol. you're a maniac! big bottles of base and top coats... crazy =)

      well, different base coats for different polishes... peel-off's are good with crazy, non removeable glitters. and aqua base are the best for holo and metallics...
      I'd like to try seche too... but they're expensive here + many bad requests about the formula too =/

    3. Haha.. maybe so ;)

      I hope you'll get to try Seche though. It seems like if it only work poorly for some people and not all. :)

  4. Vad spännande. Mina kan vara lite ojämna ibland, men oftast märks det inte med nagellack på sen. Men det skulle vara kul att testa ridge fillers nån gång. :-)

    1. Ja, du har rätt, vanligt nagellack döljer ju det mesta om man inte har mycket ojämnhet på nagelytan. Jag är dock nyfiken hur det blir med detta till vissa chromelack, duochromer och kanske också holo's, om det blir bättre dvs. :)

  5. Funny that's it shimmery.... Will have to try this one out someday ;)

    1. Yup, I thought so too. Didn't know about the shimmer at first but it works for me! :D

  6. Har inte testat, men det ska bli väldigt spännande att se vad du tycker!

    1. Ja, jag tyckte också att det skulle bli spännande att testa något nytt :D Återkommer med utlåtande i framtiden :D

  7. That's really brilliant! Well done! You can fix them with olive oil and garlics. I recommend you to try out in the night. The olive oil smooths out and the garlics gmake your nails strong. If you like showing your nacked nails without shimmers, rub a piece of a garlic with your nails until it cries several times in each nail. And then, dry your nails to remove the rest of the garlic.
    Then, rub your nails with a cotton bud with olive oil.

    1. Do it every night, and you'll notice that your nails are strong and get their natural colour.

    2. Wow, cool idea, thanks! Haven't heard about that method before but maybe I should give it a try!

      My nails aren't so stained as we speak but last summer I really wanted to wear french manicures but couldn't because of a horrible stain. Next time that happens I'll try this. :D

      Haha, only downside would be the smell.. ;)

  8. Har kört med Seche base de senaste två åren enabrt. Alltid använt ridgefiller för att jämna ut mina annars så kantiga naglar.
    Nu kan jag ha fel här men jag har för mig att Seche basen är lite så där skimmervitaktig för att "plocka bort" missfärgningar. Inte rent tekniskt men med hjälp av UV-ljus på nåt vänster. Det finns en lite blåaktig ton i den och den ska då motverka att gula/missfärgade partier lyser igenom lacket.
    Vet att Depends ridgefiller gör precis detta och jag har som sagt för mig (utan att svära på det) att Seche base gör detsamma.

    Jag gillar denna, lätt att lacka med, flyter på bra och torkar väldigt bra. Sen hade jag ibland kunnat önska att den fyllde ut lite mer än vad den gör men då är det bara att ta fler lager.

    1. Va kul att höra att du också kör med den!

      Jag tror du har rätt angående varför det är shimmer i den. Som du säger så känns det som att missfärgningen reflekteras bort vilket är väldigt tacksamt.

      Och jag håller med om att i en perfekt värld så skulle den fylla ut lite mer. Men som du säger så är det ju bara att ta fler lager. Blir ju väldigt billigt iaf. Räknande på att varje 15ml (dvs lilla flaskan) så blir det ca 15-20kr flaskan och det är helt okej pris i mina ögon.

  9. Det ska bli kul att höra vad du tycker om den efter lite tid. Det är alltid bra att få tips om under- och överlack.

    1. Ja, det var lite så jag tänkte. Man visar himla många färgade lack och nail art's men desto mindre om det man verkligen använder jämt, dvs basen/tc. Ska bli bättre och visa mer sånt på bloggen känner jag. :)

  10. What a great and helpful review - I am always eager to learn about the "background vocals" of manis!!! I have very ridged nails and I have to admit that MOST of the products, no matter if they promise to be ridge filling or not don't really conceal the issue. I don't buff my nails because I know it is not good for the nail - but I found in my Essence Base Coat the best concealer so far

    1. Thank you! I agree, base polishes can be interesting to hear about too. I didn't know that you have ridged nails, it's nothing I've noticed on your blog so it can't be that much or the base polishes works better than you think! ;) And I totally agree that buffing isn't that great for the nails, especially if one want some free edge going on. I avoid buffing as for as I can, I've removed some stain once but that's it.
      Also great to hear that the Essence Base Coat seems good, I suspect that it isn't super expensive either, I maybe should try. :D

  11. Kanske nåt att testa nästa gång jag behöver köpa nytt baslack. Mina naglar är ju allt annat än släta. Tror inte jag sett nåt annat med skimmer förut men det var ju lite fräckt speciellt om de döljer missfärgningar

    1. Ja, testa du också! Jag har använt två lager några gånger för att släta ut lagningar så det kanske är något för dig? Och som du säger är det ju inte dumt med det vita trots allt eftersom det gör naglarna ljusare, blir ju toppen till franska manikyrer. :)

  12. Yay for huge amounts of nail supplies -- it's so frustrating when you have to run out and pick up some more top/base coat when you're in the middle of a manicure! Your nails are super long and perfect, maybe I should try the China Glaze base coat!

    1. I totally agree with you! ;) And I can't get a hold of these in stores either so I better be prepared ;) haha
      Yea, go ahead and try it, the china glaze base coat has worked great for me. And thanks for liking my nails <3


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