
Monday, February 17, 2014

Shopping haul; polishes and beauty

Shall we look at some nail polish and beauty shopping I've done the last 4 months, all collected in one post? Some lemmings like Alanna Renee - Reptar has been bought and for once I actually feel content polish wise. (Well almost, I still want the whole Salon Perfect Neon Collision Collection but it's not available here in Sweden and at Ebay they are sold at ridiculous prices). Another good thing about feeling content is that I might take a trip abroad pre-summer and saving for that seems like a great idea. ;)

Above: A bunch of Alanna Renee.

 Above:Various indie polishes.

 Above: Some of the China Glaze feather collection; matte string glitter.

 Above: Some of Jordana's "creme" texture polishes.

Above: Some of Jordana's duochrome polishes.

 Above: LA Girl matte glitter polishes and two texture polishes from China Glaze.

 Above: French base material from OPI and China Glaze, fine liners and my first NYX polish.

 Above: Some swedish polishes on sale, Isadora for 10SEK and some cool HM polishes.
Above: The beauty part. Some new make up from Cherry Culture (tossed away half of my makeup stuff, they felt unhygienic and I felt like having some new and fresh things). I've also included a photo of a perfume (EDP) I bought super cheap at HM, 30SEK(3 euro). While waiting for my regular perfume to arrive I tried this one and I was actually quite happy that the scent is really long lasting.


  1. Åh wow, så mycket coola lack du köpt, nu har du massor att visa oss. :-)

  2. wow! All those polishes ;)

    Thanks for sharing them with us!
    I love the French base polish from OPI

    Xx Julia

    1. Yea, I've tried it too and it worked nice :D

  3. Åh härlig shopping :) Mycket som ser intressant ut men blev väldigt nyfiken på Jordanas lila textur ser spännande ut

    1. Ja, jag är jättenyfiken på texturerna också.. se om de är något att ha! :D

  4. wow, huge haul. Ive never heard of alanna renee, but the china glazes look interesting

    1. Oh, Alanna Renee are awesome, if you got the chance you must try them :D

  5. Så himla många roliga lack! Ska bli kul att se dem!

    1. Ja, flera är testade och dyker upp så småningom :D

  6. What a Gelic-like selection of polishes!!! Great haul - and I detect that you also prefer more subdued colors for make-up - like me ;-)! Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Yup, I love them! ^^ And you're so correct, subdued colors are my favorite :D

  7. Wow cuantas compras, los esmaltes china glaze son preciosos, pero me encantan los Various indie polishes.

    1. Yea, always fun with both indies and more general brands to try :D

  8. great haul!
    and rofl. I have this Dance Legend's polish on my right hand right now! =)))

    1. Thanks! Cool, I've tried it and I'll show it soon. It will be interesting to see if we'll have the same opinions! :D

  9. Underbara fynd :D
    Hahha jag började skriva den här kommentaren på engelska och kom sedan på att jag nog kan skriva på svenska ;) haha
    AR lacken ser jättesnygga ut, äh vad säger jag, allt ser snyggt ut :D
    IsaDora är ett av mina absoluta favorit märken då det kommer till nagellack och smink :D
    La Rive parfymer är väldigt bra, de är förmånliga och många av dem doftar riktigt gott :)

    1. Haha, inte så lätt alltid, jag gör samma misstag ibland också ;)
      Ja, svårt att bara bestämma sig för ett märke ;)
      Ja, kul att La Rive va så bra, överträffade mina förväntningar..Jag trodde inte att HM kunde göra så bra parfymer :D

  10. Replies
    1. Japp, ibland överträffar man sig själv..haha ;)

  11. Oh myyy, awesome haul! Love the AR polishes (never heard of this brand before), indie ones and CG! Amazing choice!

    1. Thanks ;) AR is a indie brand I think. They have gorgeous color combos and I'm so happy tp have them...or who am I kidding, I love all of the polishes...haha lol :D

    2. Yay, they look really stunning! And where are you buying those indie polishes? Here in Czech you don't see indie brands at all, if I wouldn't follow foreign blogs, I wouldn't probably even know what indie polish is :D I know some american and australian indie brands, but their eshops don't ship to Czech at all or if they rarely do, it's really expensive...
      And the last sentence made me laugh so hard :D :D of course, you can't deny your nail polish addiction! :D

    3. In sweden there aren't the slightest sight of them either...There are no indie-manufacturers either since the swedish government only favor large companies.. :/ one must be a lawyer (or afford to hire one) to be able to understand the lawbook.. lol

      So if I didn't read blogs I wouldn't know about them either!

      I can list from where I buy (But I don't know if they ship and/or how much it is to Czech. But it's worth a try). Normally indies are more expensive than the regular brands. The total cost for one bottle is 6-10 euros (or more..) shipping included to sweden. But I think that 8 euros is a max for me and then it has to be darn worth it.

      Shop: (just search for nail polish or specific brands like; pretty&polished, ILNP, Smitten polish etc)

      :D :D :D


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