
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Super natural water decals from Born Pretty Store, review

Now I've reached no 28 in the 31dnc which is "inspired by super natural" and at first I had no idea what to do. Then I came up with the best idea ever which was showing my water decals set from Born Pretty Store which happens to be a Halloween set with a whole bunch of super natural stuff. I've also included a tutorial of how I did this so you'll see how easy they are to wear. The Halloween set is just one example and there is more types of characters with water decals on their site. Remember that you can use my discount code NGL91 to get 10 % off.

The set I got is filled with lots of different motives. At first glance it seems like it's only 4 manicures (seems like ten nails of each theme)  but comparing the size to my nails (which is pretty wide I think) you see that this is way more. I used two "nails" for 5 of my nails and then I think I filled them a bit too much.
To the left: my pinkie. To the right: My thumb.

And below is my little pictorial/tutorial guide on how to do this. After it I'll give some small instructions if you find it necessary. Basically this is a very quick and simple technique to obtain advanced nail art.

  1. Cut out the main motive with a (small) scissor.
  2. Peel off the protective plastic on top.
  3. Maybe cut in smaller pieces and then put in water. You just need them covered so a plate is enough. (Glass like here is not needed ;))
  4. Pick up the motive. The paper feels "oily" which makes the motive peel off easily.
  5. I used a tweezer to grab it even though it would be possible just to use the fingers.
  6. Then place it on the nail. It is super easy to move it around to place it exactly where you want.
  7. When I got it where I wanted I used my finger and pressed it down firmly.
  8. Then wait for a moment for the water to disappear or use a hair dryer. Then top coat it and you are ready to go.
Here you see a good thing, the water decals have a white background making the motive look very sharp even on darker colors since the polish color wont shine through.
And below is the result. I might think I put too many motives on each nail but it was really fun to try out. One advantage with this comparing to stickers is that the surface is 100% smooth with top coat so there's no risk for curling. They where also easy to remove. So my verdict is that I really liked this. It was surprisingly fast to do and the result is very nice even though I'll try to get some more all year around motives. For example I like the sailor themed ones on the same link as these.

And there you have it. The link to these water decals are HERE at the Born Pretty Store Website. The cost for the whole decal set is $3.99 and FREE world wide shipping. With the discount it's ($3,99x0,9=$3,591) which is ~25SEK, ~£2 and ~2,5. 

 Polish used: Claudia - 609 (full swatch will come later)

***Some products in this post have been provided for review***


  1. Jag har blivit helt frälst av vatten dekaler! Det verkar som att du, precis som jag, har lite välvda naglar. Jag upplevde att det var väldigt lätt att få bort eventuella "rynkor" som uppstod. Toppen bra tutorial :)

    1. Tack! Ja, jag är också frälst, typ världens snabbaste och enklaste nail art! Och alldeles riktigt, mina naglar är rätt så välvda och trots stora motiv så gick det bra att platta ut motivet..ännu bättre blev det med tc på, rynkorna syntes försvinna ännu mer då :D

  2. Vad fint! Jag gillar dekaler, men använder de alldeles för sällan. Fin blå basfärg också!

    1. Tack! Ja, jag känner att jag ska inköpa och använda mer i framtiden. Den blå ska jag visa i ett eget inlägg så småning om och berätta mer om ;)

  3. Såg precis min hemska särskrivning, hoppas du förlåter mig :P

    1. hahahahaha.. söt du är! Jag är likadan, hatar när jag själv lyckas särskriva eftersom jag inte är helt positiv när andra gör det. Ändå lyckas man ibland slarva till det själv.. Att vara männsklig kallas det väl? ;)

  4. Vattendekaler verkar ju onekligen praktiskt (vet att jag ska ha ett par, dock ligger de bland de vanliga dekalerna så vet ej vilka som är vilka >.<). Lite synd att den vita bakgrunden sitter snett så den syns på framsidan bara.

    1. Tack. Ja, de är ju sjukt praktiskt när man har lite bråttom men ändå vill ha en schyst nail art. Du får testa dig fram mellan dekalerna helt enkelt..höhö ;)

      Och tänkte faktiskt inte att bakgrunden låg snett förrän du sa det! Men visst är det sant..hoppas att det bara är min som är måndagsex.

  5. Jättefin effekt, jag gillar också vattendekaler...

  6. Snygga dekaler! Inte testat än men tror att jag ska ha några liggandes någonstans som jag köpt för säkert ett år sedan. Kanske dax att jag letar upp dom å testar :)

    1. Tack! Ja, fram med dem och testa, mycket enklare än man kan tro faktiskt. :D

  7. Thanks, girl. It's a good set of water decals.

  8. These are really perfect for Halloween! I love bps water decals, they are afforadble and really good too =)

    1. Yes, I'm going to use them this halloween, I've actually planned a look for ;)

      And I also agree about bps decals, I've got a set from ebay which isn't as good. The ebay ones doesn't have a whte background and tend to look a bit dull even on lighter colors. It's like white base is a must with them, something I didn't experience here since the decals have white background built in.


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