
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Water color nail art

No. 27 in the 31dnc is "inspired by art" and yesterday I couldn't come up with anything and then lakobotan showed me a link with a nail art which fitted really good. The technique was water color nail art which I have used some what but in a different way before. I decided for a blue background and the water color effect only in white. I can imagine it would look really good adding more colors too but I just wanted to try this time. And this was actually a very fast and easy nail art so I'll definitely do it more times, I feel it has huge potential. I don't know what specific painting this could derive from but it looks really different and water color is often seen in art. ;)

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - Beach Blue (which btw is a blue to the green, so not 100% color accurate)
Nordic Cap - NP13


  1. Häftigt! Jag vill också ha den länken!:)

    1. Tack, bara att googla "water color nail art tutorial" så dyker massor upp! :D Nailosaurous säger att hon kommit på den (typ 2 år senare) och kallar den för nimbus nail art och har också gjort tutorial.

  2. Såg intressant ut, vill också gärna veta hur den är gjord:)

    1. Tack ;P Som jag skrev till Malin här ovan, googla "water color nail art tutorial", hittar inte länken till just den jag använde men tycker att det finns många bra tutorials på den. :)

  3. Nu blev jag sugen på att göra splatter naglar igen :) Härlig färgkombo, blir lite marmoreffekt över det hela!

    1. Tack, ja det blev lite marmor av det hela, alltid kul att inspirera! :D

  4. I love this, the effect is so striking! Certainly very unusual, I don't know why but it kind of reminds me of jelly fish or something very cool and deep sea-ish! xx

    1. Thank you! :D Fun you liked it, yea now when you say it, it do feel a bit jelly fish because of the translucence of the white ;)

  5. Fräckt! Kan du inte göra en tutorial på hur man gör :)

    1. Tack! Ja, absolut. Borde jag kunna fixa, är inte alls svårt och borde vara enkelt att visa :D

  6. The effect looks so cool!! And beach blue is really pretty

    1. Thank you! :D Yes, the blue isn't too bad even though it leans a bit more to green than the pictures show here.

  7. What a special twist with that paint!!! And I do see the potential in it too - and more colors!!! <3

    1. Thank you! And yes, I see the same thing, more colors and this could be incredibly cool! :D

  8. I'm glad you did it =)
    and looks really cool!
    I should try this technique too =)))

    1. Thanks again for helping me come up with what to do! :D <3 It was really fun to try out and I'll definitely try it out again. I'm looking forward to see your version of it! :D

  9. This manicure is a kind of "I love them".

  10. Superfint! Gillar att det bara är en färg. Ser lite ut som något man tittar på i ett mikroskåp också :)

    1. Tack! haha.. ja det har du rätt i! ;) Jag tyckte också det blev kul med bara en färg, måste ju inte vara en hög med färger på varje nail art! :P


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