
Monday, April 14, 2014

Fleur de lis nail art

Fleur de lis is french and is that french lily symbol you've probably seen before. I decided to freehand it six months ago and since that it has been lying in the publish folder feeling ashamed, ashamed because it didn't end up like I wanted, at all. Mainly the colors is the biggest problem I think, I don't know.. but it's blue and fit Blue Monday. Enjoy.

Polishes used:
HM - Blue My Mind
L.A. Colors Art Deco - red
L.A. Colors Art Deco - White


  1. Oh Gelic why are you ashamed? They look like Cartoon Fleurs de Lis and you choose the perfect colors for this look!!! In short: I like your Blue Monday mani <3

    1. Awwww...the kindest comment ever! I became so happy when you said it, I almost start liking them. :D

  2. Jag tyckte det var väldigt fint i alla fall! Du är så duktig :)

    1. Tack snälla du! :D Vad kul att du gillade dem! :D

  3. Franska liljor, en klassiker! Jag gillar det massor! Tycker du ska vara nöjd :)

    1. Tack! :D Snäll du är, kul att du också gillade dem. Jag kanske inte ska låta manikyrer ligga i ett halvår utan få ut dem i stället..haha :D

  4. I like that mani. very cool! =) don't be ashamed =)
    this blue looks like bleu majorelle =)))))))))

    1. Thank you! Yea, the blue polish is stunning. Too bad it's discontinued now. Saw it on sale before christmas but didn't buy backups... bleeeeh But there are other blue's out there though :D


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