
Monday, August 25, 2014

German dotticure

This was actually meant to be published yesterday but the time wasn't just enough..As you can see of the nail art I've used a creme white base and then I've dotted rows of black, red and yellow dots diagonally over my nails. First I was disappointed and thought that I should have done one row of each color to get them as many times instead of three here. And I'm not sure about the yellow color, maybe this one is too bright together with the white? However my boyfriend liked it and I decided to keep it. :)

And I'll finally tell you my good news I've been talking about in a previous post.. At the bottom of the post. ;)

Polishes used:
ZTIZ - 6626
Kleancolor - Neon Yellow

Kleancolor - White
Claudia - 607

..And then to the news (or actually there are two news) which as you might have suspected had something to do with the nail art, kinda.. ;) Me and my boyfriend are moving to Germany; Cologne. My bf has got a cool job offer/internship and I'm hoping that there are some possibilities there for me too. At least the possibilities there are better comparing to the small town we're living in here in Sweden. At this point we're not sure how long we're staying, it depends on how everything is going and how we feel. I'll of course continue to blog and I'm bringing a some of my polishes, but not all of them (that would be quite impossible, especially in the beginning). And I also have some news for the blog, I got this really cool cooperation with MoYou! So in a very soon future you'll see some stamping going on here. ;) I really like that because I've been really stoked about getting started with stamping (like more serious, today I feel very insecure about it; I have a lot to learn.) and also some of you readers have proposed that I should show more stamping, so win-win. :) xx


  1. Glad to hear this beautiful news!
    For your bf's new job, for your job possibilities in Cologne (it's the town of Alarm fur Cobra11, I LOVE it!!) for your collab with MoYu, I have one single thing to say: break a leg!!

    1. Thanks! ;) Haven't seen that series don't think it has been sent here in sweden (had to google it). xx

  2. Nice dots and I love the colours and position of the dots!

    1. Thanks! I wasn't 100% content with it but it did work in the end. XD

  3. Congratulations to your BF job assignment in Cologne!!! And to you being a promoter for MoYou Plates - my favorites or let's say the only ones I can handle - AWESOME! I love your Dotticure and I think that yellow is just right next to the red and black, any less bright and it would look like a wash of color next to the dominant red and black!! <3

    1. Thank you x3! :D <3 Good to hear that you liked it, I was thinking of using some more warmer yellow during one time, like more "honey colored" but then I thought it might look too orange in contrast of the others.. like oh all the choices! ;) Nail art is so fun! :D

  4. Oh, those are great news!! Cologne is a beautiful city you are going to love it! I'm sure with all your studies you'll find many opportunities there.
    And MoYou is amazing! I love that brand the plates are awesome. I'm happy for you :D Congratulations!

    1. Thanks! :D I really hope so too, we'll see what future will bring! :D

  5. Jag gillar manikyren så här, tror det blivit för rörigt med upprepade rader. Spännande att flytta till Tyskland, låter som en härlig möjlighet för er båda! Och det finns ju massa roliga tyska lackmärken så du behöver inte oroa dig över samlingen ;)

    1. Tack! Ja, det var det jag hade som tanke och anledning till att det inte blev "varannan". Ja, jag är jättepepp och håller tummarna på det bästa! :) Och jo, du har ju rätt..jag lär ju hitta en sjuk mängd roliga lack att leka med ;)

  6. Oj det där ser ut att vara pilligt :) Du har ju fått prickarna helt perfekta med, jätte snyggt

    1. Tack! ja, det tog jättelång tid! Brukar aldrig få till fina runda men man kan ju säga att jag övat nu ;)


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