
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ylin MOOD -#12 color changing nail polish, swatch & review

Hi! Today I''m showing a green toned color changing nail polish from Born Pretty Store which on the bottle has the brand name Ylin MOOD and the name is #12. The brand is new to me and this is also the first thermo polish I've tried. :) It's also my first polish from Born Pretty Store, previously I've only tried some nail art products from them. This is also my contribution for Green Wednesday. :)

The color is a yellow toned middle green color when it's "cold" and a gorgeous lime green/almost neon yellow color when it's "hot". The effect is instant and you can literally see the color change, especially playing with water. ;) My bottle looked slightly shifted in the bottle, however the mixing balls fixed that. The formula is creamy and application is easy almost reminding me of acrylic paint. It covers in 3 thick coats, and the finish is semi matte so I prefer tc on top. Oh, and another thing; This is my first and only polish, not smelling like polish(=chemical paint) at all. It has just a super subtle scent of like lemon/lime soap. So, my feelings about this then; I adore the green color(s) and having a perfect gradient all day around is awesome. What's not making this a perfection is the finish without tc, it's not self leveling shiny on it's own like some polishes are. However I'm still thinking of trying some more colors from them (like the blue-purple one). :)

Born Pretty Store always has free word wide shipping and if you're interested in purchasing you can always use my code NGL91 which gives you 10% discount on this and/or all products at BPS. Original price is $15.68 but with discount ~$14.

Here's the direct link: 12ml New Magic Green/Yellow Color Changing Mood Nail Polish Nail Art #12

 ***This product in this post has been provided for review, however it has not changed my opinion about it***


  1. Hehe this is cool. I've never tried a mood changing polish. These sound so much fun :-)

    1. haha.. it sure is! I was like a child playing with the water tap for too long to be okay for an adult. XD

  2. Såna här lack är så roliga, måste få tummen ur o införskaffa ett snart. :D

    1. Ja, jag har hunnit skaffa ett till sånt här sen dess. Fler lär det bli! :D

  3. Jättefint, gillar thermolack! =) Kul att du var med!

    1. Ja, jag är också förtjust i thermolack. :D Så lite så ;)

  4. wow I've never tried a color changing polish myself but I'd definitely love to try one in the future ;)
    your nails look amazing <3

    xx julia

    1. Thanks! This was my first one too, but it wont be my last! :D Love the look of thermo polishes! :D xx

  5. Vilket coolt lack och dom olika nyanserna ser hel mysiga ut

  6. Hi Gelic! I love a pretty green any day and that one is really, really pretty especially the cold version! <3

    1. Hi! Yea, green is such a nice color any day as you say ;) My favorite is (the everyday look), ie. darker green tip and lime green on the rest of the nail...I loove gradients haha :D

  7. Det här var fint! Blir lite sugen på att testa några.

    1. Ja, älskar färgen på just denna! Formulan är väldigt ovanlig dock som sagt, sjukt lättmålad men inte 100%ig finish utan tc vilket är synd. Jag är dock ändå nöjd med lacket. :)

  8. Replies
    1. Yea, my favorite is also when both color shows! :P

  9. cool! and nice thing about smell too =)
    and btw, all my thermo polishes has rubber finish (or suede if it's with shimmer)... so, maybe it can't be with shiny finish at all...

    1. Yea, the smell really surprised me! Hm, I think (maybe remembering wrong) that a dance legend I have dried shiny..but I'll try it again to be sure.


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