
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Essence nail polish remover - coconut + papaya, review

I've been thinking that I should add a new label here at the blog, which is nail polish remover reviews. :) When being  nail polish geek, it's not only nail polish we uses, as you all know we have our cotton balls/pads and our remover. Personally I prefer 100% acetone, it's cheap and works with any polish or glitter in no time and also I've had no problems with dry cuticles/nails like some people does (I guess my genes are on the good side since my nails are hard and grows). But being here in Germany I decided to try some regular removers. First one out is Essence nail polish remover - coconut + papaya.

Essence nail polish remover - coconut + papaya is a remover in a 250ML bottle with a blue color which also contain acetone. The price was like 0,5-0,8 euro at Kaufland. The description on the bottle says: "Highly effective nail polish remover, removes all kind of nail polishes without dying out the cuticle or nail surface."

However I don't recommend this remover to any one, like ever.. The simple reason is that it barely work or work poorly, even with 3 coats (1 base coat+2 coats creme) it's an endless rubbing leading to nothing.
I realized that the trick was to change cotton more times than usual (like 5-8 times more cotton than usual), always having an "unrubbed" surface on the cotton. After only one use 1/4 of the bottle was gone which makes each use quite expensive when you think about it. I haven't even tried removing glitters and I won't as it's hard to remove cremes.

If that wasn't enough, the smell is awful. I usually don't mind strong scents (I don't mind Kleancolor which some people has complained about and I don't mind scented candles) but this scent is so strong that I suspect it would give most people headache. The scent also doesn't disappear from the nails despite washing the hand like 5 times+ with soap.

Needless to say, I wont be buying this again..

This picture is taken after I have used it ONCE. It's like 3/4 left!
About moisturizing it's hard to say. I generally don't have a problem with dry cuticles. My cuticles doesn't feel dryer or less dried as with pure acetone than this.

Being a polish which contains acetone it's the worst I've tried actually, even though I'd tried removers without polishes which has been less good than this one. Have you tried this remover or any other remover from Essence?


  1. Jag har precis samma erfarenhet, fast jag köpte en rosa flaska. Sjukt äcklig lukt och värdelöst innehåll. Knäppt när deras lack är så bra.

    1. Va tråkigt! Ja, jag blev också lite förvånad. Så dåligt trodde jag inte att det skulle vara.

  2. I think I'll be giving it a miss then! I've used the same remover for years now, a cheap one from a local supermarket (Asda) - does the trick and it's got acetone. I've never had a problem with acetone in removers.

    I'm glad you've posted that you don't mind the smell of Kleancolors - I thought I was the only one that the smell didn't bother me. And I've had some really smell polishes in my time! It is just the slow drying time that annoys me with them lol! :-)

    1. Ah, great. In sweden I used the same acetone for years too. Acetone goes well with me, I guess my skin/nails are naturally very fatty XD.

      No, definitely not the only one. I think it smells different, like most brands have a specific smell, but nothing that bother me at all. But yea, some glitters and neons are horribly slow drying, but like their pastels are not..such a weird thing!

  3. Lätt verkligen inte som en bra remover, blir ju dyrt åxå. Själv använder jag alltid Ciens rosa i från Lidl, ganska så billig och funkar bra för mej

    1. Nä, jag kommer iaf aldrig köpa den igen, har redan hittat andra bättre, å andra sidan var det inte svårt att hitta bättre när denna var bland det sämsta jag prövat i acetonväg.. ;) Ja, den Cien'en har jag hört fler som talat gott om! :)

  4. I like Essence's nail polish removers but I Haven't tried this one yet.

  5. Oh no! I'm sorry you had an awful time with this remover! This is actually my back up remover when I run out of my favorite nail polish remover which I stock up on while I am in the uk. Mainly because it is cheap. I do agree with the smell - I hate coming back into the room to find that smell has taken over. I don't mind its so called moisturizing. I have to say I prefer this one to the red one that Essence also do as I worried it seemed to be staining my nail further - plus the smell of that one I find way worse! xx

    1. Oh really? haha, how weird, I hate this one. However, me and some other girls talked about it at fb and maybe the quality differs depending on country. Some girl in italy had the same experience as me, and some other girl liked it. 2 persons can't have so different experiences of the same remover! something is iffy here.

  6. What a pity that this remover didn't manage to meet your expectations ;)

    Thanks for sharing ;)
    xx julia

  7. The remover I used are either L.A Girl Or Paris. And they both are good (:


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