
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

H&M - Green Blush, swatch

Picked up this LE from H&M, I looked at the bottle and it looked quite interesting, blue-green-color shifting and some matte black tiny glitter. Unfortunately my first try was with no undies, I had an idea that it could look cool and I did thought it would cover better.I basically thought that the color shifting glitter would be opaque, not transparent which I learned after 6 or 7 coats.. The glitter actually looks pink in some angles on the nail. Anyhow, I would love to see this on top a dark base polish, maybe even a black to white gradient to also show the black glitter, and of course less coats.. What's your thoughts?

Bought at HM for 10 SEK or something like that. (Can't remember). :)

Oh and btw, funny that blogger decided to not save the original post, but something prior to when I pressed publish. It also chose bush instead of BLUSH which I changed it to now again. LOL


  1. Replies
    1. Ja glittrigt och fint och antagligen så mycket finare på en mörk bas. :)

  2. I love glitters and this one is awesome :)

    1. Nice you like it, I think it will look better layered though :P

  3. Replies
    1. Ja, glitter är ju aldrig fel. Dock så ska det bli spännande hur det ser ut layrat :P

  4. Äger också det där och jag har som inte kunnat bestämma om det är grönt eller blått. Otroligt vackert men jo, det skulle vara jättesnyggt över något annat :)

    1. Haha, ja det skiftar i färg. Kommer definitivt testa över nån färg :D


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