
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Russian nail polish swap with Lakobotan

In the beginning of this year me and Lakobotan did a massive nail polish swap. That's a cool thing about the nail polish community and nail polish blogs, how friendly people are. <3

Lakobotan previously had a blog but now uses her instagram for that purpose, so go check her IG out. For example she recently started making some cabochons (nail polish jewelry) which looks amazing and on top of that she's also a nice person. :)

Wanted to share these bottles too, because I'll show swatches of a some of them in a near future.. :)

I see I missed a polish but you'll see it in a future post. I also got some other cool stuff, for example the brand Eva Mosaic also makes makeup and the eye liner is just awesome! All of the polishes are so me; a whole bunch of matte glitter and a whole bunch of new exciting brands and polishes to try out. For example the brown polish in the bottom of this post, Aurelia, is a chocolate scented polish! Just because Lakobotan knows how much I loooove chocolate. XD

And now this is my last polish bottle post for a long time I hope. ;) I've also prepared a regular blog post for today for United in Green which you can check out. :)


  1. Vilka härliga lack! Särskilt de översta flaskorna är så himla fina! Lite retrokänsla, faktiskt.

    1. Ja! tänkte inte på retrogrejen men nu när du säger det så är de faktiskt lite åt det hållet :P

  2. Åh wow, sååå kul märken. Måste vara kul att göra såna här swaps. :-)

    1. Ja, massa kul märken! :) Ja, det är skojsigt, dels så får man ju massa som man inte hittar här, sen är nästa del att hitta svenska lack att byta med, man tänker inte alltid på vad som är unikt för sverige. :P

  3. Vad spännande med så många nya märken! Lacken såg riktigt fina ut :)

    1. Ja, känns jättekul! :D Polish paradise! ;)

  4. Oh wow great swap :-O amazing :-)

    I looked at her blog, lol love the photo of the cat at the top :-)

    1. Yea, Russia has so many awesome brands and polishes! :D

      Yup, that cat is SO cute :D

  5. I'm so glad you liked them =)
    thanks for this post - it's very sweet :-*


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