
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Essence - 03, I Hol Di Mit'm Traktor Ab, swatch

Yikes, that name?! From now on IHDMTAB.. is a pale yellow toned green, that kind of almost dirty green tone I really like. IHDMTAB is a creme and it covered in 3 coats, I think 2 could have been enough though. Bought this on sale at DM (german pharmacy) for 1,5 euro. I don't think IHDMTAB is in Essence's regular color span, maybe this is part of a limited edition and that could also be the reason why it was on sale. Sorry about the photos btw, they feel a bit dark and blurry. For more green manicures, head over to VackerochUnderbar's Green Wednesday. :)

Bought at DM for 1,5 euro.

Update: in a swedish fb group we discussed the name since I/we didn't get it. After a while the result was that this polish is from a German Limited Edition collection for Essence called "o’zapft is", which also is what the bottle says. And it's suppose to be an LE Oktoberfest-inspired collection. After some fuzz a girl could make out Ich hole Dir mit meinem Traktor ab from the title I Hol Di Mit'm Traktor Ab. So basically I wrote the AB wrong. Anyways, apparently Ich hole Dir mit meinem Traktor ab means something like I'll pick you up with my tractor. So I guess that the mystery of the name is solved, or what say you German readers? :D


  1. lovely shade, it is going very well with your skin tone :)

  2. It's a nice colour - kinda reminds me a little of LOL. It certainly does have an interesting name! :-)

    1. Yea, there is many similar polishes to this one.. buut I still like it xD

  3. Intressant namn haha, måste kolla vad mina heter när jag packar upp dem till jul. :D

    1. Ja verkligen! Spännade att se vilka du införskaffat dig :D

  4. wow..! Love that shade! perf for the holiday season dearie! :)

    BTW, I love your blog, dearie! Mind if we follow each other through GFC and/or bloglovin? Lemme know! ^_^

    Dearest yours,
    Jong :)

    1. Thanks for you comment :) Yea, sure, I'll check your blog out :)

  5. ahahaha OMG xD
    "I hol di mit'm Traktor ab" is indeed german, bavarian dialect to be exactly. I'm from Bavaria, but not all of us talk like that. I don't at least and think myself that it's a weird dialect lol Ah, and the "di" doens't stand for "dir" but for "dich". Just a grammatical thing ^.~ The meaning remains the same.
    O'zapft was a LE from this year if I remember correctly. It's also bavarian dialect and means "it's tapped". They say that in order to open the Oktoberfest. Many think that the Oktoberfest is a german thing but actually it's more of a bavarian thing, same with the traditional dress Dirndl x3 That's where all these weird words and sentences came from for this LE.

    Anyways, I acutally really like this color. It's a bit weird at first but the more I look at it the more I like it (if that makes any sense haha)

    1. Haha, cool! I didn't know that there was a difference with Bavarian and German language, but of course it is. We have different accents and traditions depending on where in sweden you are too, so it isn't strange. Thank's for clearing everything out, I was wondering about the O'zapft was too..I think I read it as "grape" something, like a fruit... don't ask me why? xD Think I didn't read it proper at all..

      Yea, I also like this color. But then again I am a green lover :D

  6. I really like that color! It kind of reminds me of a laffy taffy! LOL random!! Anyways I would really love it if we could follow each other!


    1. Yea, I like it too :D
      Yea, gonna check your blog out :D

  7. Kul att vi båda med lika bloggar också har lika samma lack, fast olika färg då:) Cool kulör. Bra lack tycker jag.

    1. haha, ja visst är det lite roligt. Såg att du också hade Essence, men hann inte kommentera igår. Gör det nu ist :D

  8. Det var en speciell färg men jag gillar den :)

  9. Men herregud så vackert lack.... right up my alley så att säga :D


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