
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Essence - I Feel Gritty, swatch + nail art

I like texture polishes so of course I had to buy the texture top coat from Essence called I feel gritty. The finish isn't that gritty or textured when touching it, it's like if one coat of tc could fix it. As for all of the texture top coats I've seen it has "glittery stuff" combined with the "texture stuff". Here I've applied 1 coat over my new years eve nail art, which is a black creme + decoration. I've also tried it over other colors and finishes and the conclusion is that the texture top coat always gray the base down heavily. Also the nail art decoration gets hidden quite much, something to think about in future nail art's. (Which reminds me that it's Sunday, and therefore Nail Art Sunday today, omg the days are a mess right now).

I can imagine this is awesome for any person who loves the glittery textures, but me preferring the creme textures the most, this is just okay and doesn't make me go up and down jumping of joy. What do you think?

Polishes and materials used:
ZTIZ (black creme)
Silver metal beads
Essence - I feel gritty


  1. Kul idé med texturöverlack! Rätt fint ändå :)

    1. Tack, ja texturöverlack är en ganska kul grej.

  2. It looks really good. I've got it, but still to try it yet! Looking forward to trying it ;-)

    1. Awesome, lookin forward to see you trying it :D

  3. Jag tycker det ser fint ut med detta överlack! Ger det en lite glittrande effekt också vilket är snyggt.

    1. Tack, ja helt dumt är det inte även om jag föredrog utan just denna gång :P


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