
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My favorite nail art's of 2014

This is a part I really like, watching back of what I've done during the year and what I've been the most content with! (At least from what I think today).

In many ways this year has been different from other years, I usually have most of my favorite's during the end of the year, but this time most of my favorites are from the beginning of the year, mostly because of lack of time. I also feel that I haven't tried especially many new techniques this year.

Above is my favs in no particular order.

There has also been some "firsts" and also "repeats" this year;
  • I've participated in many challenges
    • still doing Where-in-the-world challenge
    • did the 3IDNC (russian style in the spring)
    • Winter Nail Art Challenges challenge
    • Depression Awareness week in green
    • Breast cancer Awareness week in pink
    • Joined Nail Challenge Collaborative
  • Me and Zara from Traces Of Polish created Valentine Polish Week <3
  • And here I list all the new nail art techniques I've tried during 2013 (new to me);
    • tried water color nail art
    • managed to make full nail stamping and improved in stamping a lot
    • tried some new needle dragging patterns, like hearts and swirls!
    • tried dreamcatcher nails for the first time
    • have also done a bit more "serious" skittelettes this year.
Do you have any favorites from this year? Which ones are your favorites?


  1. You were very busy last year dear Gelic :)
    All designs are amazing!

  2. Vilket kollage! Jag älskar dina dreamcatchers! Och needle drag hjärtana är så fina (avis för jag inte kan göra sådana!). Sen är ju många av dina skittlettes perfekt komponerade. Ser fram emot vad som kommer under 2015 :)

    1. Tack ! Kul att höra vad du gillade. Du får öva på hjärtanana ;)

  3. So many beautiful manicures! I love those little crabs you made :)

    1. Thank you Helena! :) Fun to hear which ones you liked^^

  4. Så många fina! Du är så himla duktig :)

  5. Massor med superfina manikyrer, jag kan bara stämma in i lovsången, du är oerhört duktig! <3

  6. Such a really get collection of your nail arts :-D

  7. Love the top orange and black/red striped ones :3

  8. Så många snygga manikyrer :) önskar jag var lika duktig som dej

    1. Tack snälla! Med övning och tålamod så kan de flesta bli bra på sin grej :)


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