
Friday, January 23, 2015

NCC presents: 70's wallpaper nail art

Time for another nail challenge collaborative, the second this month with the theme wallpaper. And as I said in my first post I decided to do a little "history lesson", doing my nail art's inspired by the wallpaper/interior designs of certain decades, going back in time. My previous post was early 21st century, with some sort of past present time and today I take a major leap into the 70s.

The 70s was a colorful period of time; wallpaper and interior design wise. A main color seem to have been bright orange as accent, often combined with yellow, red and brown as seen below. Quite often I've noticed avocado green details too (even seen a full kitchen in avocado green). My mom told me that her mom (my grandmother) painted their bathroom bright orange during the late 60s.

Source 1 (dots), Source 2 (stripe on white), Source 3 (stripes again)
Onto my nail art. I struggled a bit with this one for no reason, had a bad nail art day and redid some nails 3-4 times and when I was done I accidentally dipped my undried nails when cleaning away my bottles.. Just to redo, again, lol. I went all in for the dots and my original plan was striped accent nails but that failed so at the end I decided to make swirls, using the needle dragging technique. The swirl technique I've done before in two colors (b&w), but this time I decided to use four colors and it became quite cool. I'm quite happy with the result but I think it could have looked way cooler and I'll probably try a 70s nail art more times. Hope you'll enjoy.

My dominant also got dots, really cool like that too I think. ^^

Polishes used:
KIKO - 324
P2 - Dating Time
Essence - Polka Holga
Essence - Love Is In The Air


  1. Woow, så läckert! :D Jag känner igen det där med dåliga nail art dagar, allt bara blir fel uuuääähhh! :P Det blev i alla fall riktigt lyckat tillstlut! :)

    1. Tack! skönt att höra att jag inte är den enda som har dåliga dagar, så sjukt frustrerande när man har en plan och det hela ser ut som en femårings arbete eller att man kladdar sönder. Tur att man har fler bra dagar och att det till slut gick vägen här :D

  2. This is so 'groovy'! I really love your design, I think you have transported your nails back to the 70's perfectly :) xx

  3. so attractive! i like the way you presented wallpaper ;) superb look and incredible nail art and nail of course

    1. Thanks! Fun to hear that it is appreciated ^^

  4. amazing design, very unique but definitely beautiful :)

  5. Nice - and yes - the 70s was full of golden yellow and brown with some orange - the avocado green was sort of more 60s but kind of left over into part of the 70s. Avocado and rust orange were big in 'mid 60s -- I was born in the early 40s and remember the whole pink in the 50s merging to the turquoise into the avocado and next to the gold and brown appliance -

    1. Ooh, thanks for you awesome input! Always fun to hear from some facts from someone who was there (and also was there and remember the certain changes in color trends in interior design, not all people have that awareness to things around them sadly). Interesting about the avocado green, I didn't find any info about that. And as I've been aware about, items in plastic(or any item really) often lives through decades which makes them last longer than the actual trends. I hope you'll be around when I post my next post, which will be a 50s nail art. (your profile was secret so can't contact you and tell you when it's posted though:( but hopefully you'll see it anyhow) Would have been interesting to know what tone of pink which was used in the 50s too. I've also always been intrigued to know during which period of time bright turquoise and orange was combined?!

  6. Awesome mani and so perfect for the theme :-D

  7. Så läckert! :D Det påminner mig om tapeterna som mormor hade i sin stuga när jag var liten, glada minnen!

    1. Tack! va kul! Jag minns vissa tyger från min farmor o farfar som var i denna färgkombo :P

  8. Häftig tolkning och supersnygga prickar i prickar! Lagom stor mängd 70-tal också, tror det lätt blir lite väl mycket om man har de där tapeterna hemma :)

    1. Tack, Ja, tapetmässigt känns det lite vågat, och det blir nog rätt mörkt i ett rum om det inte finns något ljust föremål/tapet där. Fast jag tycker ju att det är charmigt (pga det finns minnen av släktingars boende) även om jag själv kanske inte vill ha det hemma.


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