
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ciaté - Heirloom, swatch

Bought this at HM for 50SEK (like 5 euro) and it's my first Ciaté. I was amazed how duochrome/multichromed it looked in the store and when I got it on my nails I was still amazed.

The finish reminds of color shifting glassflecks in a green/brown jelly base. The color shifting range is usually within something like burgundy red and hot pink to golden/orange/brown. But looking close one can see navy blue/purple glassfleck spots in the burgundy/hot pink and in some lights the edges of the golden/brown turns almost green.

The color shifting is visible in literally all lights, maybe not in direct sunlight though, then it's more pink, but you get my point, you don't have to search for it. The only down side here is that the polish is sheer, very sheer. I needed 5 coats.. I'll definitely try layering it over perhaps black in the future.

Sorry about the photo being blurry, don't know what happened there. :/

Can you see the blue flecks here in the hot pink? :)

Here is one example of how it looks greenish in the edges.

Flourecent light (also similar to direct sun light)

And just for fun. Had to google "heirloom" and the meaning of it, I didn't know what it meant but maybe you already did. Anyhow, basically it's something antique, perhaps a jewelry or other family treasure which has been passed on through generations. 

Overall, I really like this polish despite the sheerness. I have a weak spot for multichromes/duochromes, that's for sure. Have you tried this polish? What do you think about it? :)


  1. Var tvungen att gå in och kolla mina egna anteckningar om det här, för jag upplevde det som rätt så bronsigt/brunt när jag bar det och jag hade hoppats på mer rosa. Jag behövde "bara" tre lager dessutom. Stor skillnad på olika batcher antar jag. :/

    1. Nämen! Vilken skillnad! Bronsigt/brunt fanns ju med, men tydligt med rosa. Jag skulle kunna tänka mig att jag med mina långa klor ibland behöver ett extra lager lack för att täcka över smileyn, men inte två. Tråkigt om de är ojämna i batcherna. Vill man liksom ha en supertunn men mer färgsprakande eller vill man ha ett täckande men mer mesigt? :/

  2. Oh, wow! the duochrome effect is amazing! I had this one on my hands at the store but didn't buy it, I thought it was more like a "topper" than a regular polish. In fact 5 coats is a bit too much for me :P

    1. Yea, I agree. I just had to have when I saw it, but yea 5 coats are a bit too many.. But I'll definitely try layering it some time and see if the effect still remain. Sometime layering multichrome makes them loose the color shift a bit.

  3. Men guuuud såååå snyggt!! Vilka galna färgskiftningar, me love...;-) Trist att det behövs så många lager dock...

    1. Mjo, det är ett fint lack. Lagren avskräcker ju, sen så misstänker jag starkt att det går att hitta liknande eller tom dupéer till detta som kanske kräver mindre lager. Dock så sa Mrs Data att hon bara behövde 3 lager, så det tycks vara skillnad mellan olika batcher kanske..

  4. This colour is absolut adorable!

    Greets from the EDELFABRIK

  5. fabulous shade Gelic, very eye- catching :)

  6. Jättefint! Trist bara med så många lager, 5 lager är lite i överkant för mig också. Men som du säger funkar det säkert över svart :)

    1. Mjo, jag tycker ju att 4 är lite väl mastigt.. Men jag håller tummarna på svart.

  7. Amazing, simply amazing! I have this and not tried it yet!! 5 coats seems worth it :-D

    1. Yay, interesting to see what you'll think. Unfortunately the batches seems to be uneven, a girl above commented that hers only needed 3 coats but her was less color shifting. Hopefully yours is from a good batch.

  8. Dayuumm, that polish is beautiful! Shame its so sheer!

  9. incredible picture ! stunning duo chrome polish and pictures !

  10. Oh så snyggt, måste nog använda mitt snart

    1. Ja gört! Jag blev positivt överraskad med mitt :)


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