
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Comparison between Colorclub's Miss Bliss and Halo-Graphic

Third holo post in a row, and this time a comparison between Miss Bliss and Halo-Graphic. Actually thought that I had showed them on their own on the blog but seems like I haven't. XD

Anyhow. As you know Color Club 2012 came out with their first Halo Hues collection with the six polishes Halo-Graphic, Cloud Nine, Harp On It, Blue Heaven, Cherubic and Angel Kiss.
2013 Color Club came out with 6 more shades for Halo Hues which included Miss Bliss, Beyond, Eternal Beauty, Over The Moon, Cosmic Fate and Kismet.

To make a simple comparison between the collections, 2013 Halo Hues seemed more colorful and perhaps 2012 Halo Hues where slightly more holographic.

My Miss Bliss and Halo-Graphic are super similar. Miss Bliss seems slightly more pink, maybe more warm toned and Halo-Graphic is less pink and more cold toned. I also remember that I imagined my self that Halo-Graphic was slightly more holographic, maybe.. But just looking at them you wouldn't know, they look very close.

Also added Over The Moon to the underside of my nails. Which just was a good idea in theory. Mostly it just look grayish blue and therefore looked like dirty metallic. This shot it looked cool though.
Thoughts? I have seen swatches where I imagine that there are bigger difference between them, are yours as similar or is it just mine?


  1. Ser knappt nån skillnad, tack för jämförelsen :) har miss bliss, den är så fin

    1. Mjo, det är en knappt märkbar skillnad mellan dem. Speciellt när holot glittrar igång så är man körd. :)

  2. ser heller direkt någon skillnad , men de är läckra!!!

    1. Nä, det är "skuggbilden" som man ser nyansskillnad på typ. ^^

  3. I can not believe how "holo" they booth looks!! But they are really simliar!
    Greets from the EDELFABRIK

    1. Yea, it's such a nice holo effect in both of them, well all of the polishes in this collection to be honest :P

  4. They do look very similar. Both are gorgeous :-D

    1. Yea, first I was thinking of selling/giving one away but I can't decide which one. I like them both ^^

  5. This color really suits you! You shoudl try more polish in this color's hue C:

    Love the undersides, btw :3

  6. They both look similar to me but the are gorgeous (:

  7. Jag ser faktiskt ingen skillnad på dom :D men snygga som attans är dom

    1. Nä, holomässigt ser de nästintill identiska ut, men nyansmässigt så ser man iaf på skuggbilden en liiiten skillnad ;)

  8. Det var verkligen liten skillnad mellan dem. Trodde jag hade Halo-Graphic men det var tydligen Cloud Nine som jag hade i min ägo. Då behöver jag åtminstone inte köpa båda dessa, även om båda är riktigt snygga ;)

    1. Mjo, båda är snygga men om ens livsvision inte är att samla rosa holo-lack så kan man ju hellre lägga den slanten på ett annat lack än två nästan-identiska.


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