
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Comparison; Nails Inc - Belgravia and China Claze - There's Snow One Like You

Yea I know, maybe not the right season. But while I'm at it, a comparison between Nails Inc - Belgravia and China Claze - There's Snow One Like You. Both are white texture polishes as you can see.

Nails Inc - Belgravia 

  • Jelly with sparse on texture, white hexagons and prismatic hexagons(which never look prismatic on the nail).
  • 4 coats (needed 5 on some nails).
  • Very difficult application, almost fishing for the texture and there is some dabbing needed to not get bald spots. In general less textured and not as "tipex white" as TSOLY.
  • Drying time is about 35-45 minutes. Quite similar to TSOLY, but I guess the many coats increase the drying time.
  • Cost; about $11 (CAD) (At the time I bought it, it was comparable to about 8 euro)

China Claze - There's Snow One Like You

  • Jelly/crelly filled with texture and white matte hexagon glitter.
  • 2 coats
  • Also difficult application, the formula is thick and "lumpy" with the texture/glitter, however much easier than Belgravia. Much more textured and more white than Belgravia.
  • Drying time is about 30 minutes which is normal for textures (imo).
  • Cost; about $4 (US) (At the time I bought it, it was comparable to about 4 euro)

Nails Inc - Belgravia

Nails Inc - Belgravia

China Claze - There's Snow One Like You

China Claze - There's Snow One Like You
So, overall I prefer China Claze - There's Snow One Like You. I know it has more of a cottage cheese feel or like really fluffy new fallen snow, but I like that. Also, TSOLY is half the price of Belgravia, and also TSOLY need half the amount of coats, which should mean that it would last twice as long (if any one would empty a bottle..). I didn't experience any major tip wear with any of them (however I wrapped the tips) but the only thing I didn't like with both of them is that the "texture balls" are gray toned plastic (as for all textures, but here it shows more). After a couple of days wearing for both TSOLY and Belgravia the gray plastic shows a tiny bit after some wear and tear (since there's no top coat), and makes the white look a bit "dirty" in an unpleasant way. Belgravia beeing less white from the beginning has an disadvantage there.

So, do you have any of these?  Which one do you prefer? Do you even like matte textures? ;)


  1. Bra jämförelse! Jag gillar texturlack men föredrar helt klart de som är skimriga/glittriga, typ Zoya Pixiedust. Ingen av dessa tilltalar mig något särskilt tyvärr, fast om jag måste välja så tar jag nog China Glazes variant :)

    1. Mjo, det är ju skillnad på det jag hittepåigt kallar "cremetextur" och "glittertextur". Många föredrar de glittriga, men jag måste ju vara tvärtom så jag föredrar de cremeiga.. haha XD Men ja, CGs i det här fallet.

  2. They both have a similar look to them! I like them both actually :-D

    I've got the CG but still to try story of my life ;-)

    1. Yea,, the look is cool for both. But I guess price and application points to one direction ;)

      haha... know what you mean! Got a few too........ ;)

  3. Jag skulle vilja se med överlack.. Lär ju se lite speciellt ut!
    Nu har jag en jämförelse mellan KIKO och ChG på bloggen! Kram

    1. haha, ja kanske det? Det är kanske så man skulle ha det? Å andra sidan lär det ju aldrig torka någonsin och bli supertjockt. Fast vem vet, lär prova någon dag!

      Och tack för jämförelsen!! <3

  4. They are amazing dupes for each other! I can not decide which one I like more looking at these pictures. I do love the visible glitter :) xx

  5. Intressant med en jämförelse! Cg låter mkt bättre men jag föredrar nog hur Nails Inc ser ut på naglarna.

    1. Tack! Jag tror jag kommer testa att lägga ett lager vitt cremelack i framtiden. Då kommer CG bara behöva ett lager. Och Nails inc kanske då bara behöver 2-3. Eventuellt kanske det hela ser lite bättre ut, för båda lacken.


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