
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mani swap with Lakobotan - Neon leo nail art and chanel quilted nail art

Hi, this is going to be a different kind of post. Me and my friend Lakobotan decided to make a mani swap. Which means that I recreated one of her previous nail art designs and she recreated one of my previous nail art designs. We've already posted on instagram but of course I wanted to show you here at the blog too.

First a summary.

Here's some closeup of the nail art and just below are Lakobotan's recreation of my Neon leo manicure (LINK HERE) which I did a while back. Mine is to the left and her is on the right.

I used China Glaze - Hang Ten-toes, China Glaze - I'm With The Lifeguard, China Glaze - Sun-Kissed and Kleancolor - Black and Lakobotan used Dance legend - 822 Banana Party, Dance legend - 824 Barbie Kiss, Dance legend - 828 Tropicana and Dance legend - 1024 Nox.

And here we have my recreation of Lakobotan's Chanel inspired nail art (LINK HERE). Hers is on the left and mine to the right.

I used Rivaldeloop - 406 and Essence - satin matt top coat and Lakobotan used Orly - Liquid vinyl and opi - Matte tc

This was such a tricky nail art to recreate. Basically you have to wait until the polish is dry enough to make marks on it. However, if it's not dry enough you'll go through the polish and if it's too dry it wont leave good marks. To make the marks you can use dental floss or even a  ruler.

It's not the most long lasting manicure, because of the tiny metal beads. ;) However it was fun and challenging to make. Probably the hardest technique I've tried so far, freehand is way easier for me. ;) However I liked it and I'll probably try again with other colors and maybe without the beads for a more long lasting manicure.

So what do you think? Have you tried the chanel-inspired look with the 3D nail art look? And do you know what it's called? Maybe quilted nail art? I see a lot of hits on google with that.


  1. Så läckra manikyrer! Gillar den quiltade looken, ser riktigt häftigt ut :)

    1. Tack! :) Ja, den måste testas fler gånger känner jag :D Var riktigt kul :D

  2. Gillar båda :) Så himla snygga

  3. Båda var riktigt snygga i båda utförandena! Har inte testat den quiltade stilen, den är verkligen snygg men måste ju hålla typ 5 min utan att överlacka kaviarpärlorna.. Har läst/sett någonstans någon som använde en tandtrådsbygel för att göra fördjupningarna i lacket tror jag, det kanske gör processen något enklare (ej säker på om resultatet blir likadant dock!).

    1. Tack! Ja, den är inte speciellt hålbar, men ändå oväntat, vi snackar nån timme iaf ;) Tandtrådsbygel är helt klart enklare och ger samma, eller bättre resultat! :P

  4. Cute manis, I like them both :-D

  5. Väldigt coola och snygga manikyrer båda två, eller ja, alla fyra:)

  6. Tycker båda manikyrerna blev riktigt bra, kanske går att använda något silvrigt lack och göra prickar med det istället för pärlorna för mer eller mindre samma look men med längre hållbarhet. :)

    1. Tack! Även smart idé, det finns ju fler sätt att göra det på. :P


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