
Saturday, September 19, 2015

31DC2015 - Day 19; Galaxy + otep inspired nail art

Today it's the galaxy theme in 31dc2015. And yea, galaxies are nice and all that, I don't mind them but somehow it feels like they often just look more of less the same all the time. Of all the prompts in the 31dc I've on previous years often find my self thinking that it's the least versatile nail art of them all.

So I'm always trying to do something else, but "galaxy inspired". My galaxy involves a whole bunch of stars, both in black and gold, also some plus and dots as "stars"(?).  All in a red background. Something else is also happening and since I'm also joining the #musicpolishfestival challenge (by Lakobotan and Leedyz) (yes I know, 3 challenges in the same month!) and therefor I also wanted to incorporate a singer in this. My choice was Otep Shamaya and I've always like the promo pic where's she is wearing the checked shirt, and black and red felt like a good color choice, partially because it has been used on albums and some videos too. And with a "deeper" interpretation the crosses also has a meaning to her position to church and christian religion. She has quoted "Art is my God, Music is my religion...".

Don't know if this made sense to you with the mishmash, let me know in the comment bar below. :)

And here's a little collage of it all. :)

Polishes used:
R de L Young - Ruby Red
R de L Young - Black
R de L Young - White


  1. Jag håller med om galaxier! Så roligt att du har gjort något annorlunda!

    1. Tack! Ja, jag hoppas varje år att den ska bytas till någon annan teknik. XD

  2. OMG Gelic I did not know you were into Otep! I love Otep :-D

    Great mani, I like what you've done :-D

    1. Haha, wow that is so cool! :D I don't know many people who listen to her. :D :D :D

      And thanks! :D <3

    2. Yeah me neither! Good to meet another fan :-D

  3. Jag skrev nästan exakt samma sak, känns som galaxer är lite enformigt. Iaf tills man kombinerar dem med en till challenge! Gillar verkligen din tolkning, så mycket roligare än en vanlig galax!

    1. Tack! haha, ja jag såg det på din blogg också, det blir lätt enformigt med galaxer. Jay för lite annorlunda grejer ju!:D

  4. Kul med en så annorlunda tolkning av galaxmanikyren! Jättefint :)


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