
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

China Glaze - It's A Trap-eze swatch

This was my second favorite polish to test from the ones I bought. It's a multi colored glitter in two sizes. It applies very easy and the glitters spreads nicely over the nail without any work. In this glitter I've seen a color range from blue, green, silver, gold, red and maybe purple/pink(?). When looking at the bottle it seems like the glitters are in a milky base, however this milky base is super sheer. I think that the glitters would fill up the nail before the actual polish would get opaque on this one.

For this one I layered it over a white creme to be able to get the sprinkle on a cake-feeling, with a bit distance between each glitter. What you see on all pictures is two coats over the white even if I think that one coat would be enough. The extra coat was to see if the milky base would do something for the look. If it did? Well, a small effect but not that visible like W7 nail polishes with their milky base where the difference is huge from one to two coats. And top coat is a must for this.

Without flash.
With flash.
Despite the sheerness I like this polish, it makes me happy and I wouldn't mind having it both on winter and summer. I also can't wait layering it over more pastels, like the different colors on cup cakes! Maybe that's the big advantage about the sheerness in this polish.

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - White
China Glaze - It's a trap-eze


  1. Replies
    1. Gört, gillar verligen min! Väl värt, bara man vet innan att det inte är opakt och det gör du ju. :D

  2. Det är såååå snyggt!! Jag vill haaaaaa!!! Nuuuuuuuuu!!! :D
    Vilka långa naglar du har nu förresten!!! Wow!!!

    1. Hahaha.. bara att skaffa då. beautyjoint hade kvar. ;)
      Tack, dom växer av någon anledning ganska fort nu! Ändå var det bara ett par veckor sen jag klippte/filade bort 3-4mm. Förut kämpade jag att få längd på dem men nu tycks det gå av sig själv. En detalj kan vara att jag tappat bort min bra:iga glasfil, den nya dök inte upp med ebay och sen fick det va. Dax att inhandla, vill inte att de ska bli för långa och gå av. :/


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