
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

China Glaze - Whirled Away swatch

Hi everybody. I couldn't keep my self from trying out this gorgeous one. I love the effect of matte black and white glitter. I did this over an old manicure which I haven't showed you yet.
 I think it look great, it has black string glitter, about 2MM hexagon opaque black glitter and about 3MM white opaque glitter.
A problem was application...This below is after ONE coat and almost no glitter is on! The base is clear, but not so glitter filled. To get the result above I had to dab and place glitter for at least 3 coats. And I actually shook my bottle (to get as much glitter as possible) but that definitely didn't work. I then at least thought that with so much clear polish the glitter must drown in them sealing the glitter in. Wrong on that one coat is a must, otherwise the glitter feels sharp and get stuck in everything. The string glitter also sometimes comes in two from production and I had to pull away some extra ones that had curled up.
That was a lot of negativities, but I still like the result, after I'd laid down some work on it.

Polishes used:
China Glaze - Whirled away (glitter)
China Glaze - Hang ten toes (neon)
Kleancolor - Black
W7 - Pink dazzle (small pink glitter)


  1. Jag tycker den är lite för gles. Fördrar nog Connect the Dots framför den här.

    1. Åh, har googlat på den och den ser supersnygg ut. Har även sett den förut. Men, jag antar att den inte säljs längre?! :(

  2. Det är väl bara att ta ett till lager om det blir för glest...?? Detta är ett coolt lack, men jag kommer nog inte skaffa det själv eftersom jag har sticks'n stones från cover band som jag är jättenöjd med.

    1. Åh, sticks'n stones var ju supersnyggt! :D Om den finns kvar ska jag införskaffa! Ja, gleshet efter ett lager är egentligen inte ett problem, bara på med mer lack så sett. Jag tyckte mer att att appliceringen var svår och svårt att få ut glittret jämt. Det var ovanligt mycket arbete med glittret för att få det snyggt. Å andra sidan så sitter jag länge med pill-nail art å klagar inte då.. ;) dessutom är det här mitt enda svart/vit-glittiga lack så det är ändå favoriten bland dem. Men vill ha fler..så fler lär det bli! :D

  3. The final result is very nice! But it's such a pity it required so many coats. I hate when glitter curls. But you manage to have a perfect manicure!

    1. Yes, I guess I'm spoiled with good glitters.. The good ones are easy to apply and one coat is even and the second just makes more glitter appear on the nail, still even etc. I guess the problem here is that they've wanted to save money and have put to few glitters in the polish making it this. The polish is still usable and it's my only white and black glitter so I still like it, I just didn't expect the work required to make it look great.

  4. Så fint! Ser ut som hallon/lakritsgodis tycker jag. :)

    1. Tack! Hihi, älskar sådana associationer. Håller med nu när du säger det! :D

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! White and black glitter is awesome over a neon color! :D


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