
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Matching pedicure and manicure nail art with flowers and stripes

It's nail art sunday at Lelack and this time Lela decided that the theme was pedicure. I didn't mind that, I actually have nail art on my feet most of the time but I seldom photograph them because I don't think people are that interested in my feet. Another thing is that I'm so much sloppier with cleanup when it comes to my toe nail so I hope that you can bare with me on this post. My post today is a bit late but the reason is because today has been the warmest day so far and I've been out all day, eating sushi, done some shopping, eating ice cream and stuff like that.

Enough rambling.. Most of the time my manicure and pedicure doesn't match but this time I wanted them to match. I also wanted to take this opportunity to show what kind of manicure I mostly have on my toes, which is this type of flower in different in different color combinations. This time I choose a super feminine color combination.

And here we have it, the light was a bit of an issue, normally I take my shots of my nails close to a window or outdoors. Colorwise the photo below is most correct.

Polishes used:
Kleancolor - Pastel Purple
L.A. Colors Art Deco - Baby Blue
BK nail art color (white)
China Glaze - Hang-Ten Toes
2 MM blue rhinestones

Hope that was enough feet for the pedicure-theme of today and those of you with toe issues didn't die dropping in here. ;)


  1. Det där var ju otroligt snyggt! Tjusig kombination och matchning!

    1. Tack så mycket! :D Kul att det gillades. :)

  2. Men åååååh vad snyggt!! Så gulligt att fingrar och tår matchar!! Å jag älskar tummen och pekfinger bilden där det blir en hel blomma!! Sååå sött!!! <3
    Fina färger du har valt också!

    1. haha, tack så mycket! Såna här "hela blommor" som du menar brukar jag göra ofta, ungefär som att man tittar lite extra på naglarna när man bär holo, så brukar jag kombinera ihop olika fingrar och "konstatera" vart den hela blomman blev bäst ;) :D

  3. I love this nail art! I think it's really cute, and how did you do that on your toes! wow, I don't think I could do nail art on my toe nails, that's pretty awesome.

    1. Thank you! Fun you liked it! I think making pedicures on one self is like everything else, practice makes it better :p Also I'm still quite lithe, when I was younger I could pull my feet to the back of my head, now, not any more ;)

  4. Replies
    1. Tack så mycket! :) Kul att det gillades! :)

  5. Vad häftigt med lika på tår och fingrar! Du gör så himla fina blommor :)

    1. Tack, ibland är det ju kul att matcha tycker jag :P Kul att du gillar blommorna också :P

  6. Men jag dör! alltså fan vad snyggt! Så grymt att du matchat, extremt läcker design dessutom...

    1. Tack så mycket! :D Lite flickigt och pastelligt och väldigt trevligt att bära :D

  7. Jättesnyggt!! Jag har också alltid målade tånaglar, just nu är det brittiska flaggan. :) Men brukar aldrig lyckas matcha eftersom jag målar manikyrer mycket oftare än pedikyrer, haha. x)

    1. Tack! Oftast matchar inte jag heller men jag försöker matcha om jag ska fixa tårna samtidigt som naglarna. Som du säger så byter även jag manikyr oftare än pedikyr! :P

  8. Simply stunning and I love love love the way you make a whole flower when you put them together! This is so elegant and gorgeous well done Gelic :D

    1. Aw, thank you! :D I really like it too that when combining two they make a whole flower, it almost like love, two persons make it whole <3


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