
Monday, July 8, 2013

Smitten Polish - Pure Imagination, swatch

For this Blue Monday at Lindas Nailorama I'll show you the beautiful Pure Imagination from Smitten Polish. I saw this at Sminkan and when she said that the last batch was up for sale I knew I wanted it and hurried to get it.

Pure Imagination is blue glitter with some silver holo glitter in a blue jelly like base. The holo isn't in your face but makes the polish look striking beautiful in the sun. From what I remember I used three coats and application was smooth. This glitter is top coat hungry, and below I have 2 coats of SV. Now let's enjoy a bunch of photos! :)

And lastly, I have an off focus photo making you see the sparkle.

I just checked the Smitten Polish shop at etsy and Pure Imagination is not there so if you didn't grab this about the same time as I, it might be hard to get now.


  1. Peeerfect polish! Its like a shimmery beautiful crystal sea, I want that in this weather! I haven't tried smitten but I really ought to! I got your email ~ Thankyou! Also sorry I've not been able to comment!

    1. Yes, it's an awesome polish! I can really recommend smitten (I've bought mine from her etsy shop), the formula and application has been great and I really like that the polishes often feel unique with "weird" color and glitter combinations! :D And no worries, some time life is taking all the time for all of us! :P

  2. Jag bar samma lack idag! :) Eftersom jag väldigt aktivt INTE deltar i Blå måndag får det vänta till en annan dag med att visas upp dock.

    1. Haha, va kul! :D Mitt kunde jag bara bära en dag dessutom eftersom jag provade att olja in naglarna + ha sv som baslack så manikyren trillade av sjukt fort..lite för kanske ;) Då får jag se fram emot att se detta igen fast en annan dag! ;)

  3. Åh vad vackert! Grattis till att du fick tag i ett bland de sista!! Treasure it!!

    1. Ja, jag är nöjd med mitt köp. Tvekade första gången jag såg det, men sen insåg jag i vanlig ordning att jag faktiskt behövde detta ;) hihi Ska ta hand om det varsamt! ;)

  4. Replies
    1. Ja! Jag tyckte tom bättre om det på naglarna än jag trodde att det skulle göra! :D

  5. Replies
    1. Ja, detta är inte alls dumt! Förstod att du skulle gilla det ;)


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