
Saturday, July 20, 2013

OPI - Lincoln Park After Dark, swatch

Another day in the Vintage Week challenge (I bet you know what it is by now ;)) and the theme is Favorite golden oldie. I was thinking on what to show and this might not be my favorite of all time but it's special since it was one of my first lemmings. It was in 2009 and it was in the beginning of my more serious hoarding. It was also one of my first OPI's ever.

To make it short, what I'm showing is OPI - Lincoln Park After Dark. As I said, it was in the beginning of my interest of nail polish and I don't think I'd come across with matte nail polish like this before. I remember I saw this at some nail blog and I liked what I saw. I thought it looked elegant with that smooth matte dark surface. Since I liked it so much, and my economy was good, I bought this and a huge bunch of other polishes online for the very first time (but not the last). ;) Another one I bought at the same time was OPI - Man Of La Mancha..

As I said LPAD is a matte very dark purple polish. It also dries in seconds literally, ie. it's important to paint each nail fast, otherwise it will dry meanwhile you're painting. Especially since this one has the thin old brush.

 As you see, it's also looks quite nice with top coat on and becomes super glossy. However I prefer it matte, I got several other almost black polishes,like W7 - Black Cherry even though that one is more of a brown purple and LPAD is more truly purple.

I like this based on sentimental reasons, however I guess it didn't meet my then high expectations from the blog post. Also I started to know about more cool nail art by then so I guess my interest was split. ;P However, I thought this would be fun sharing with you. :)


  1. Wow! This is soooo cool! I can so understand it was a lemming of yours! I like it best matte. You could do a lot of cool nail art with this beauty :P

    1. Yes, it sure looks cool! :P I also like it best matte. I've actually tried some nail art with it, once I tried stamping shiny nail polish on it but it didn't end up visible enough but I think there's more potential to it! ;P I must try some more. :)

  2. This looks gorgeous! I LOVE it matte but I'm easy hooked on polish that looks that glossy! I can see why you needed it in your collection!

    1. Yes, I agree! The fun thing is the variation possibility of either matte or shiny. I happy I bought it this long time ago, sure there's matte top coat now days too but it something special to it now when it's my first matte and amongst the first OPI I ever bought and so on.

  3. Det är ju rätt snyggt med överlack... Jag har inget av LPAD-lacken, vare sig det matta eller originalet.

    1. Jag gillade den med båda varianter. Dock är detta det enda jag har. Såg ju att det fanns två varianter av LPAD.

  4. Gourgeous! It's beautiful even glossy!

    1. Fun to hear that you liked it! :P I liked it both matte and shiny. :P

  5. Gillar det verkligen även om det ser "för svart" ut haha, hade gärna haft lite mer lila i det :)

    1. Ja, det är ett fint lack men det är ju verkligen mörkt. Dock så tycker jag att man ser att den är lila och inte svart. Måste ju finnas mörklila som denna, fast med mer lila i antar jag! :P

  6. Den ser rigtig fin ud! Er den mere lilla i virkeligheden end på billederne?

    1. Fin är den men tycker att bilderna stämmer ganska så bra överens, den är liksom så mörk att den NÄSTAN ser svart ut, men man ser att den är lila egentligen IRL. :)

  7. Jag har bara originalet av det här lacket, men det var ju sjukt snyggt som matt också!

    1. Och jag har inte orginalet! :D Men såg att det var riktigt fint! :D


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