
Friday, July 19, 2013

Layering with the holographic Catherine Arley N666

Today it's double joy, I'm still joining the Vintage Challenge week by Little Miss Nail Polish and Polished Marvels and it's also Holo Friday at Skimmerskuggan, and for both the theme is holo.

First I thought that I couldn't join today because I'm at my parents house and I forgot(!) to pack my vintage holos! However, I made a quick check in my archive I actually found holo photos.

This is one coat of Catherine Arley N666 layered over a bubble gum pink shimmer polish . Therefore I'm not sure if it's color accurate to N666 to how N666 would look alone.

However what I'm sure of is that this is a scattered holo, as you can see there's no clear rainbows appearing on the nail.

All shots are in the sun also, and that's because the holo effect disappears in the shadow.

I actually liked this, it feels like a subtle holographic blueberry and milk! ;)

And can you believe that I've got 12 other Catherine Arley holos, and out of them, 10 is untried!


  1. Such a pretty holo! And you've got twelve more?! And ten untried?!?! OMG!! I'm in shock! ;P

    1. Yes, it's even prettier than I remembered! ;) haha, well, they are definitely not super holo and I guess that CC's holos got the advantage of being tried first of abvious reasons. ;) Also the CA polishes I've got is pink, orange, silver etc, not my "favorite" color scheme which is blue/green and that spectra. :P

  2. Hi Gelic! this colour is right up my alley! It has everything I'd love to wear. It's pretty, feminine, It's purple, its subtle holo! what is not to love!!

    1. Fun to hear! I know that it's still available on ebay for example. And I agree with how you describes it, pretty and feminine. :D

  3. I was convinced you would show us a real rare delicacy today - blueberry and milk - yummie and just beautiful on your nails!!! No matter if a holo is scattered or linear, I am in for any - yup I am a real sucker for them - LOL!!! And once more you showed us a brand that was unknown to me before - I just LOVE that!!!

    1. Yay, fun to show brands not known to everybody :D Especially since it's still available even though it's "old" of what I know. :D And I agree with you, holo doesn't always needs to be super holo, sometime a subtle holo can be as nice as super holo. For me it's all about what I'm at the moment is in the mood for. :D

  4. If you need someone to take those untrieds off your hands you can just send them my way! LOL I showed at Catherine Arley today too... I really dig the formula.

    1. Haha, I bet you would ;) Cool, I'll check out your CA-post and see i it's one I own too :D I don't think I've tried them enough to say anything about the formula but it sure sounds good to hear that the formula is good! :P

  5. Vad roligt med så många CA! Du måste plocka fram och visa dem!

    1. Ja, jag får ta och göra det! :D Dumt att bara ha dem oprövade bara sådär liksom ;P

  6. Hi! A friend o' mine had choose CA#666 a couple of weeks ago for Holothon. It' a pale lilac, very chic and very pretty. Over a pink bubblegum I think is nicer. ;)

    1. Hi! How interesting to hear! :D I must try it on it's own too, a bit silly to first try it out in a layering, even though it ended up quite nice ;)

  7. Men så sitter du på så många CA o de är oprovade ändå!? :O:O:O:O Haha, hon har en del riktigt fina holos även om effekten i lacken inte alltid är det starkaste :)

    1. Haha, jag vet ;) Jag tror det var att jag i samma veva fick tag på så många andra holos och då hamnade CA i skymundan. Även att holoeffekten verkas så svag, tom obefintlig på vissa av dem om man dvs bara kollar på flaskan. Men bäst är ju faktiskt att testa dem på riktigt och det får jag ju faktiskt ta och göra! :D

  8. Jättesnyggt nagellack :)
    Älskar färgen :)
    Väntar med spänning på att se hur de andra oprovade lacken ser ut :D

    1. Kul att du gillade det! :) Ja färgen är verkligen fin, sådär feminin och söt. Förhoppningsvis får jag tummen ur och ska testa resten en gång för alla! :)


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