
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wet N Wild - E71527, swatch

Hi! Sorry I've been so slow reading blogs, answering comments and even maintaining my own blog! I'm at my parents house and time flies!

Today I figured that I'd post earlier ;) As you might have noticed I'm joining Little Miss Nail Polish and Polished Marvels Vintage Week Challenge, and today the polish type is glitter. I searched my stash for some "old" glitter and happened to find this pink glitter which also include for PrincessEmmas Pink Thursday theme too. A nice two in one ;)

What you see today is Wet N Wild - E71527. The name sounds like something to avoid in food, other than that I really like this polish. It's basically fine light pink and some fine silver glitter in a clear base. I used 3-4 coats over a black creme. This glitter actually leaves a perfectly smooth surface and the SV just makes it even glossier! I've also shown this before in a funky french, which you can see HERE. I apparently bought this at Gekås in Sweden and this polish might be 5-10 years old, which means it's really vintage! haha

And you know, you can also join this challenge. :) It's not mandatory to join each day.


  1. Soooo pretty over black! I love this fine glitter, seems so versatile. Great choice!

    1. Yes, first I was thinking about showing it over pink but then I figured that black would look cool so I went for it and I'm so content over that decision :)

  2. Replies
    1. Tack! Det var dessutom trivssamt att bära,speciellt eftersom ytan var så himla slät och fin!

  3. Replies
    1. Tack! :) Det blev en kul effekt med det små glittret mot det svarta :)

  4. That's super pretty! I would totally buy that and Wet n Wild is cruelty free too so that's even better! Love it!

    1. Yes, I also liked the result! I didn't even know Wet n Wild was cruelty free. I guess there's few polishes that is.

  5. It looks stunning over black!! Great choice of underwear! ;)
    LOL! Strange name though :P

    1. Yes, the name is weird. But I think it maybe was in the beginning, before companies understood that we liked cunning names of our polishes ;) I also liked this combination, before I've only tried it over pink and this time I wanted to have it a bit edgier.

  6. Awww what a total stunner - I love both your todays mani and your French Tips!!! I just LOVE those small sized glitters :-)!! And what a sweet dog that is - and whoa that is a LOT of snow!!! I live in Switzerland but in an area where 10 cm of snow usually paralizes every day life instantly. Oh and what a funny association - about the bad, bad food ingredient - LOL - thank you for the shout out <3

    1. Thank you! :D Yes, I also liked the small sized glitter! I also think that's the reason the manicure was so smooth which I really like! you liked my other photos as well, some time it's fun to share those things since many of us comes from so different places in the world and has different experiences with for example snow ;) haha :D

  7. TEN years old! Oh my GOSH! This is a REAL vintage choice. ;)

    1. Haha, yes I know! That's the fun part of this challenge, all the old polishes comes out in the flash light. :D

  8. Wow denna kombinationen var ju super läcker :)

    1. Tack! På något vis såg man mer av glittren på svart än på tex rosa underlag. Själva glittren kom fram mer :P

  9. Oj så härligt lack :D jag började skratta då du skrev att namnet påminner om något som man borde hålla sig ifrån då det gäller mat ;) Härligt med vintage lack... jag hittade några lack i en väska för en tid sedan. De var från ett märke som int finns mera men de är fortfarande i top skick :D

  10. Haha, ja, jag tyckte namnet var lite lustigt ;) Kul att fler än jag också uppskattade humorn i det hela ;)
    Ja, sk "vintagelack" är inte alls dumt! Jag har massor av lack som är riktigt gamla och så länge man har skruvat åt dem, inte låtit lack torka runt kanten så den blir svårstängd så håller de sig i i perfekt formula. Skulle de ha torkat så går de späda ut med valfri thinner. Känns som att det inte finns något lack som inte går rädda ;) haha


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