Wednesday, September 11, 2013

31DC2013 Day 9; Rainbow stripes on gray

As I said yesterday I'm back home and that means one negative and one positive things. The positive thing is that I have like zillions of more colors, brushes and formulas to choose from, the negative thing is that I seriously have better photo opportunities there, their kitchen is seriously fool-proof when it comes to nail photographing, plus that I can go out side and pose my nails to all beautiful flowers. In addition to that I think that today's nails and photos looks extra sloppy and bad. The thing I don't like is that my striping colors have different formulas; both creme, jelly and shimmer and it would have popped more with only creme. Anyhow, I liked my idea with a gray background and with the colors like an almost funky french on the tips.

Polishes used:
Nordic Cap - NP24
Various shades of Sure Promise, shown at picture.


  1. Amazing Gelic! Where do you get all this nice ideas? You're so creative. I'd love to try something like this do you think it'll work with my short nails?

    1. Aw, thank's Natalia! Some time I don't know my self, that's the fun part with this challenge, to actually to come up with new things and accomplish them quite quick. In normal cases I can think of something for days before actually doing it!

      And yes, I think it can work for shorter nails too. I've done about 4-5 strokes high on each nail but maybe 2-3 would work for shorter nails to make it look like a french and not "only" color on half the nail.

  2. Va vackert! Så härligt med alla färger :)

    1. Tack! Regnbågens färger är verkligen superfina ihop, speciellt mot en neutral färg som grå.

  3. awesome. its so bold for me in good way (:

    1. Thank you! :D Yes, it is bold in the good way :D

  4. Väldigt snyggt! Det syns inte så mycket att det är olika finishar på lacken, så jag tycker inte att det gör något.

    1. Tack så mycket! Ah, man kanske blir överdrivet petig på sina egna bilder ibland.. :D

  5. Så otroligt läckert, färgerna gör sig så bra mot det gråa. :-)

    1. Tack! Ja att ta kulörta färger och kontrastera det mot grått känns som en riktigt toppenkombo helt enkelt!

  6. Gillar detta! Fina kontraster :)

    1. Tack! Grått mot kulört är helt enkelt en hit! :D

  7. Super cool dear Gelic!! What an amazing, awesone idea and I totally completely agree with Nati, you are incredibly creative!!! Love everything about your funky Frenchs <3

    1. Thank you! :D You're too nice! <3 Rainbow nails are always awesome, love the colors sprinkle! :)

  8. Annorlunda regnbågsmanikyr, kul:)

    1. Tack! Jag försökte anstränga mig lite och just få en lite annorlunda typ av regnbågsmanikyr. Finns många fina och rätt så lika där ute som jag absolut kommer bära men just denna gång ville jag utmana mig lite iaf. :)

  9. Riktigt fint och kul idé! Gillar att du valde grått som bas och inte vitt eller svart. Bra val! :D

    1. Tack! Ja, vitt är ju annars en sån "safe-färg" som alltid får färgerna att "poppa" men sen så blir ju grått så snyggt till färger... :D


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